



























错入豪门 男神我已婚

类别都市 恋爱 总裁 豪门




内容简介:21世纪百步穿杨的竞技弓箭手穿越到东原国一个倒霉蛋身上。软弱无能,善良无底线,被冲喜嫁个活不过二十五的病秧子王爷病秧子日常爱好给自己办丧礼,选墓陵。怎么办?当然是趁机多搞金银财宝进荷包 ,等病秧子翘了辫子就远走高飞另寻真爱啊!可事情走向仿佛不对…宫壁禾撑着脸无奈望天:厉王殿下,您已经快三十了,到底死不死嘛?挺急的。安陵宗玉微微一笑:本王还能再刚五百年。1w0-99328 >>


内容简介:推推基友我靠马甲组织直播敛财百亿苦瓜柠檬粥叶怀瑾因为一场车祸。穿越到了陀总身上,还绑定直播间系统。系统颁发定期颁发任务,要叶怀瑾自主选择前往红黑阵营,成功包装成为阵营本土人士。苦读十年 ,根本1w0-82975 >>


内容简介:屌丝方远惨遭富二代陷害,入狱之时饱受欺凌,阴差阳错却获得了足以改变世界的“大明星养成系统”,从此咸鱼翻身,一路啪啪啪,泡了校花,打了富二代,混进了娱乐圈,跟各路枭雄斗智斗勇,收获亿万粉 丝,成为炙手可热的天王巨星!1w0-82799 >>


内容简介:姜玉姝穿越成自杀未遂的新媳妇,婆母冷冷道:“我知道你嫌弃郭家败落了,但昨日你已同弘磊拜堂成亲,生是他的人,死是他的鬼,休想逃离!”生死攸关,她别无选择,咬牙跟随被流放的丈夫出塞,三千里 长路漫漫,险象环生。道路崎岖、深山密林、野兽横行、废宅破庙、风餐露宿……古代特殊蜜月之旅,敬请围观。抵达西苍后,她毅然奔向田野,智计百出不屈不挠,硬是将荒凉边塞变为繁华粮仓,终成一方富强!1w0-4028 >>


内容简介:这是一只看似女王范儿实则萌妹纸的韩娱故事,坚决不虐女主~本文np,不喜请绕道QAQ本文时间乱入,因为没有时间去调查各大事件的时间。金手指那是妥妥滴有~某些艺人会在作者君的安排下提前出道 ╮╯▽╰╭总之YY无限美男无限,纯属娱乐。ps:本文黑fx,不喜勿入1w0-106810 >>


内容简介: 不知道什么时候,生性凉薄,略显无耻的我,身边多了这样一群人。 我失恋的时候,他们会说:“多大个事儿啊,娘们没了,明儿再找,如果你实在急用,那今晚我自己借你 一宿!” 他们总是在我茫然的时候,陪我在简陋的平房里喊着! “万般努力,我们只为出人头地!” ...... 那时的我,无法理解这种“缺心眼”一样的热情,许多年以后,有人离去,有人老去,也有人渺无音讯... 我突然明白,这些陪我走过青春岁月,特别缺心眼的一群人.....叫做兄弟! 回首年少轻狂,我心里有话要说,于是有了这个故事,这一年,我给大家讲一个我和这帮缺心眼的故事,观摩一下我们的病态生活!1w0-1218 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生之导演人生】前世扑街写手重生97年,从横店剧组一个场务做起,一步步成长为导演,巨星,资本大鳄。拍电影,《夜店》,《人在囧途》,《李米的猜想》,《鲨滩》,《 源代码》,《恐怖游轮》,《画皮》,《龙蛇演义》等。收购奇点,投资京东,入主腾迅,创造曙光集团,开创微博,微信,视频网站,打造属于自己的影视城,购房产,买豪车,一掷千金买私人飞机。他要求不高,只想三十岁之前赚够一辈子花不完的钱,提前退休,享受人生。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80568 >>


内容简介:  冰冷与黑暗并存的宇宙深处,九具庞大的龙尸拉着一口青铜古棺,亘古长存。这是太空探测器在枯寂的宇宙中捕捉到的一幅极其震撼的画面。九龙拉棺,究竟是回到了上古,还是来到了星空的彼岸?一个浩 大的仙侠世界,光怪陆离,神秘无尽。热血似火山沸腾,激情若瀚海汹涌,欲望如深渊无止境……登天路,踏歌行,弹指遮天。1w0-708 >>


内容简介:夜,死一样的寂静。窗外,一轮红月幽幽散发着血一般凄然的光芒。我躺在一张古香古色的拔步大床上,绯红的喜幔和妖冶着的烛火在瑟瑟的阴风中摇曳,朦胧中,一只冰冷如寒玉的手指不知从什么地方伸了出 来,指腹沿着我的脸颊,来回细细的摩挲,缠绵而留恋……“小汐,小汐……本君终于等到你了……”1w0-76909 >>


内容简介:  萧兮兮穿越回古代,成了太子的小老婆之一。  本应该是宫斗的开始,可她只想当咸鱼。  争宠?不存在的!  咸鱼才是生存之道,混吃等死才是人生真谛!  可偏偏,  高冷太子就爱她这一款 。  ……  萧父:闺女,你要争气啊,咱家可就指望你攀龙附凤了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  宫女:小主,您要争气啊,一定要打败那些绿茶婊成为太子妃!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:爱妃,你要争气啊,孤就指望你传宗接代了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:无妨,咸鱼我也可以。  ……  (1V1宠文,双洁,超甜!)1w0-960 >>


内容简介:厌倦了战场的刀光剑影,兵王林重选择回到了都市。为照顾战友家人,他变身保镖,自此以后,他的身边就不断有美女纷纷上门,邻家可人的小妹妹,冷艳高贵的女总裁,妩媚动人的交际花,还有火爆热辣的女 警花。面对着花花世界,军中王者将如何铁血化柔情,成就王者传奇!1w18667-28549 >>




How do you distinguish between the love from a cute neighborhood girl (who’s like a little sister to you), and the love from the hottest, yet quirky, girl in school? This is exactly the question Myung-Ho has to ponder when both his neighbor’s cute little daughter, Ji-Hae, and his school’s most popular diva, Yu-Ri, make him their valentines. Of course he cares for Ji-Hae, because the poor girl’s already been through so much for someone her age, but still, she’s only just a kid. Then there’s Yu-Ri, the girl of his dreams…or rather, she would be if she wasn’t a fortune-telling voodoo witch doctor. Oh and yes, it would also help if her father, the local gangster boss, wasn’t out to kill him. When you’re as lucky as Myung-Ho choices are very hard to make. On one hand, he could go out with Yu-Ri by turning down Ji-Hae, breaking the heart of a child who’s been depending on him ever since she moved in next door. Or, he could choose Ji-Hae by turning down the only chance at romance with a beautiful girl dead set on making him her destined love. Choices, choices… -- Manga Updates

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Chiru Episode 5: End Of The Golden Witch

On the secluded island of Rokkenjima, owned by the rich and powerful Ushiromiya family, mysterious murders begin to occur as outlined on the epitaph of the Golden Witch Beatrice, whose existence has been continually denied by Battler Ushiromiya. When Beatrice defaults a win against Battler, she loses the will to continue and withdraws. As Battler waits for her to awaken, the witches Bernkastel and Lambdadelta wreck havoc upon the game board and the fates of those on Rokkenjima. When Battler re-enters the game to take the game board back for Beatrice, he discovers the circumstances have changed. In 1986, detective Erika Furudo has joined the inhabitants of Rokkenjima, approaching the murders from a 'mystery' perspective in contrast to Battler's approach of 'anti-fantasy' and denying magic. As Erika's investigation begins, the consequences of Natsuhi Ushiromiya's past actions regarding an offer from the family head, Kinzo, surface.

Donuts Tsuushin

1) Honey Pie Debut Two good friends know they have loved each other and become a couple. But being tired from accommodating one to another, they return to being good friends again... 2) Melody Melody Two students who enjoy singing in the street: one student, a lyric writer, suffers from one-way love; the other student, a composer, comforts him and asks him to love him instead. 3) Kirei Kirei Our hero has longed for dormitory life, but his very beautiful roommate can't clean up his room... 4) Water Drop Sacramento A mysterious student is rumored to have killed and buried a woman under a cherry tree. But our hero finds out he buries the hero's favorite things which he wrote about on graduation... 5) Dizzy Boys Fruits Milk A students love triangle around the son of a public bathhouse owner. 6) Donut Letter Watching video, two boys feel sexual desire. On the next day, one student puts the blame on another and makes him misunderstand.

Ou Dorobou Jing

From Tokyopop: This is a fantasy adventure which unfolds in worlds beyond human imagination. A city where the world's robbers meet; a casino devoured by evil; a haunted ship with a living anchor; a speeding train run by a Dodo bird; a floating island ruled by a mask; a large sculpture in the sky which waits for a sacrifice; a girl with a tattoo of a famous picture all over her body ... These are just some of the sights encountered by Jing, a thief so accomplished he can steal the stars from the sky.

Knight X Magic

Knight X Magic summary: When three great walls were put up to protect humanity from the darkness that lurks outside. They realise that they 're running low on soldiers and time, so decided to let people age 15 to be able to enter and help humanity pushed further beyond they could ever do in their history of time they have been alive. But the question remains on how they will do it and when they will do it?


STORI TELLING summary: STORI TELLING summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of STORI TELLING. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

On the Firing Line in Education

On the Firing Line in Education summary: On the Firing Line in Education summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On the Firing Line in Education. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Temptation: Satisfaction

Temptation: Satisfaction summary: Temptation: Satisfaction summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Temptation: Satisfaction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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