




简介 长期不愿去学校的家里蹲大学生向启虹,某天受到大学教授兼好友的委托要帮忙照顾其侄子!突然多了一位性格难以捉摸的学弟兼邻居,早已习惯独自一人生活的他能和对方好好相处吗?
















简介【每周四更新】第一次遇见顾北辰,他眼泪的冰冷狠戾以及身上的热度让我终身难忘。 第二次遇见顾北辰,他低低浅笑,天之骄子般的成就令我心生敬佩。 第三次遇见顾北辰,他静默而立,犹如停尸房外的一道炫目阳光,驱散我心中所有的恐惧……






类别热血 都市 恋爱 魔幻








内容简介:洛明蓁是流落在外十六年的侯府真嫡女,被寻回后,却发现侯府上下只疼爱假嫡女。她一脸冷漠地收拾包袱走了,却在半路上捡到了一个毁容还心智不全的男人。男人虽然心智只有五岁,但是出得厅堂,下得厨 房。任劳任怨,还喜欢追在她身后喊:“姐姐。”洛明蓁躺在榻上,眯眼小憩,这便宜“弟弟”果真没白捡。可慢慢地,她发现有些不对劲。这毁容又痴傻的男人,怎么越看越像那个传说中乖戾狠绝,六亲不认的暴君萧则!——————————————————————一场暗算,暴君萧则身中奇毒,面生红纹,心智受损。清醒后,面对使唤他洗衣做饭的洛明蓁,萧则恨不得杀了这个胆大妄为的女人。直到后来,他真香了,还在伪装纯良无害的道路上越走越远。———————————————————————小剧场:发现真相后的洛明蓁正准备跑路,却见那个“痴傻”的男人撕下了脸上的伪装,一颦一笑,宛如谪仙。萧则将她抵在门框上,嘴角勾笑:“姐姐,这是要去哪儿?”洛明蓁悔不当初,哭着道:“陛下,民女错了。”“既然姐姐知错了,那就罚你……”他的声音缱绻,不容置疑,“做我的皇后。”又美又飒真千金x腹黑演技派暴君看,那个传闻中的暴君竟然变成了小奶狗食用指南:①男主比女主年纪大,前期真傻了几天,随后就恢复心智,继续装傻,扮猪吃老虎,没毁容,无后宫。②男主前期软萌小奶狗,恢复心智后就是又A又欲大狼狗。③1V1,SC,甜文,日更,每天中午12:00——————————————————预收文《纨绔宠妻录》(欢迎戳专栏收藏)沈清在十四岁那年随同母亲一起入了谢家的大门,从此成了谢家二姑娘。小姑娘总是逢人就笑,惹人怜爱。唯独谢家大少爷谢誉,最是嫌恶这个继母带来的妹妹。从此,除了招猫逗狗,他还多了个乐子——把沈清欺负哭。可一夕之间,谢家二老双亡,家财被占,谢誉从不可一世的大少爷成了人人可欺的破落户。他夜夜买醉,流连赌场。不管他是喝得烂醉如泥,还是被人揍得鼻青脸肿。都是那个娇弱的小丫头沈清将他背回家,哭着为他上药。后来,谢誉咬着牙爬了起来,在世人的嘲讽中,背起沈清,用自己的双手,撑起了他们的家。—————————————————————谢家大少爷谢誉,兆京出了名的纨绔,除了那张脸,一无是处。所以,谢家没落时,大家都以为那个百无一用的草包少爷,会转手将沈清给卖了换钱。可所有等着看谢誉笑话的人,只等来谢誉得圣宠,登高位,还将沈清捧在心尖上宠。直到沈清要定亲那一日,他赶走了媒人,面色阴沉地拦住了沈清的路。沈清从未见过如此失态的谢誉,颤抖着嗓子喊了一声:“阿兄。”谢誉步步紧逼,声音喑哑:“既入了我谢家的门,这一生都只能是我谢誉的人!”———————————— >>


内容简介:简介:在原始世界来回穿越的林凡,带领原始人发展了两年后,从食人族手里救了刚刚穿越而来的少女——上杉尤樱,这个东京贵族大小姐“顺其自然”成为了他的女仆。每当回到现代世界,上杉尤樱发了疯一 样在华夏大地寻找林凡的踪影,上杉尤樱:找到那家伙,我要用钱砸死他!1w0-74020 >>


内容简介:玷污那些清水文[快穿]是由小镜子所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供玷污那些清水文[快穿]最新章节阅读玷污那些清水文[快穿]全文阅读玷污那些清水文[快穿]免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现玷污那 些清水文[快穿]更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-72291 >>


内容简介:帝少宠妻太深度:帝少有个宝贝,含在嘴里怕化了,捧在手里怕碎了,只能宠。云落不怕别的,就怕那个养她十四年的男人,见到嗓子哑,腿抖。“帝绝戈,我还小,你太老,我要抛弃你。”男人脸色一冷“我 死了你也别想。”双C甜宠文1w0-84775 >>


内容简介:C大的人都知道,法语系韩江高冷话少脾气臭,铁石心肠不近女色,系里被他拒绝过的女生能凑两桌麻将。直到有一天,一群哥们亲眼看见他揪着一小姑娘衣服上的飘带不让走,懒散又无赖地问:“下次什么时 候来?”温颜六岁那年就被送到韩家寄养,没过多久,漂亮可人的小温颜就成了胡同里哥哥们的团宠,只有隔壁房间的韩江,整天对她板着一张臭脸。十六岁那年,温颜被邻居家的大哥哥表白,韩江在一旁冷笑:“挺好一个人,年纪轻轻就瞎了。”后来。温颜十八岁生日,韩江在楼下等了她一整晚,等到别的男人送她回家。彻底爆炸。他抓着她衣领把人狠狠怼在墙上,毫不犹豫亲下去。盖了章,韩江心满意足看着一脸懵逼的小姑娘,“怎么,很意外?”“……”您说呢,几分钟前,我还以为您要扑过来揍我。等你长大,真的好难。1w0-4024 >>


内容简介:成为你刚写完的书里被所有人恨得牙痒痒的恶毒女配一角怎么办?抱主角大腿?还是当个好人?林悠悠决定不走寻常路,大笔一挥给自己开个外挂……就算穿到书里,她也仍然是书的创作人,只要低头改个设定 ,就能一跃从恶毒女配变成远离剧情、默默无闻的路人甲了!于是,这天深更半夜月黑风高之时,当林悠悠正在全神贯注完善自己的新人设……然后被切开黑的男主和女主逮了个正着。男主:“悠悠,你想离开我?”女主:“把手给我,我带你走。”林悠悠:这不是我的小说发展!!!————注意事项:作者这个人禁不起夸,被哄开心了就会加更,嗯。以下求预收时间!(我啥时候才能写完啊……)作者的预收文一号:《反派每天都在求我原谅》——反派总觉得他们害死了我,但我太强了又死不掉。作者的预收文二号:《重生十次后我学会了抱大腿》——抱大腿是不可能的,这辈子都不可能的11。作者的预收文三号:《我不是你的朱砂痣》——我没骗你感情!作者的预收文四号:《重生了的我为什么要原谅你们》——害过我的人都得下地狱。作者的预收文五号:《今天也要装傻白甜》——这位反派,黑月光了解一下?作者基友的法医古言:《放开那具尸体》by奶酪西瓜——没有一句话简介【。】1w0-55580 >>


内容简介:天有九重,人有九转,剑有九心!一代帝王身遭惨死,携九绝剑,诸天灭地!我既生,自当一剑平天下,九绝出,天地乱,鸿蒙诀,无双情!公众号搜索《铁马飞桥》每日都有更新,请点击关注!1w0-10 76 >>


内容简介:小兵提供我靠亲爸在虐文破案刑侦最新章节免费阅读,请将我靠亲爸在虐文破案刑侦章节目录加入收藏方便下次阅读小兵尽力在第一时间更新小说我靠亲爸在虐文破案刑侦,如发现未及时更新,请联系我们。1 w0-115440 >>




内容简介:为了一个能够成为天仙的机会。抱着搏一搏,单车变摩托的想法,守护灵书言咬牙得来了一个戴罪立功的机会。只是——看着自己平坦的胸膛和多出来的部件。心中咬牙切齿的把处理下凡事务的天官,翻来覆去 的骂了一个底朝天。事已至此,开弓没有回头箭!为了美好的明天,拼了!拿着的,是身为温柔体贴男二的剧本;抱着的,是看护老妈子的心。只是没成想,就这么体贴着,体贴着,就把自己给贴进去了。雷点:性别转变。男女主前期(下凡后)性别互换,后期(回天界)会变回来。1v1,he触雷勿点,不喜勿喷,弃文不用通知。全文架空,架空,架空。每天不定时日更。我的文:同步更新:《一块雨花石》已完结:《一棵桃花树》1w0-26386 >>



Youkai Hunter - Yami No Kyakujin

Hieda-sensei is a professor of archeology, with a fervent belief in the existence and power of supernatural creatures like gods and demons. Since he can't prove anything, his belief has earned him the mocking nickname 'Youkai Hunter' from his colleagues. One day, two men from Ootori-chou come to visit him. They're planning to promote tourism by reviving their town's old, traditional 'Demon Festival,' which has been discontinued for the past century. They're basing the festival on Hieda's research, although they're changing a few details to make it flashier for modern sightseers. Although Hieda is troubled by the history of human death associated with the festival, he agrees to attend as an advisor. When the Demon Festival turns out to be much more 'historically accurate' than anyone ever dreamed, it will take all of Hieda's knowledge and courage to help set things right!

Mama To Yoba Rete Sankagetsu

A short parody of Kyojin no Hoshi. From Garo 1982-07.

Deep Kiss

Deep kiss, torrid kiss... Discover the 1st volume of the collection of the mangaka Kasane Katsumoto! Collection of stories about the difficulty in love and making confessions, Deep Kiss is a first sensual and romantic incursion into Lolita's universe... 1. The Gaze - Nana has been fascinated with Onozato ever since she noticed his cold gaze. When she confesses to him, he tells her he likes girls with a different style - and that she should try out. Will she listen to him? 2. Deep Kiss - Yuka has always attracted guys only interested in her body because of her big breasts. What she really wants is someone who will love her for herself... 3. Magic Fingers - Haruna starts getting worried when her boyfriend, Kazuto, spends more time at work than with her... 4. Summer Memories Yuki moves back to her hometown after splitting up with her boyfriend. There she meets up with Kohei, her high school friend

Morning Kiss

Morning Kiss Summary Correction by Backlash67: Morning Kiss (Ch 1): The Tachibana family, are a family of brothers that run a newspaper agency. Yasutaka is the oldest brother who’s about pleasure first and business second. With the parents not around anymore, the oldest bother Yasutaka is in charge of running the agency. Kei who is one of the younger brothers is the responsible one. He often runs into his rival from another newspaper agency, Taira. Despite them being rivals, Taira seems to have a deeper interest in Kei than meets the eye and it seems that Kei feels the same too. Can these two get pass their rivalry and start a loving relationship? Together in the Morning (Ch 2): The oldest son, Yasutaka is invited into the home of a young master, Tooru after he saves Tooru for a second time. Tooru’s feelings for Yasutaka starts to bloosom; however, Yasutaka doesn’t seem to have any romantic interest in Tooru at all. After a third rescue, Yasutaka decides that leaving Tooru alone isn’t a good idea. But with Tooru’s growing desire for Yasutaka becoming obvious will Yasutaka still be able to remain indifferent? (Takes place years before ch 1). Ch 3: This chapter focuses on the middle brother, Yukihiro and his internal conflict with his emotions in accepting the fact that both his older and younger brother are gay. While he wrestles with his feelings he meets and becomes an art model for Yomo-sensei. Are the feelings Yukihiro are struggling with only because of his denial to accept his brothers’ gay relationships or are they something more personal? Ch 4: Taichi Kusonoha is a student whose mom is away on a long business-trip leaving him and his dad alone. Taichi’s uncle, Kyouya Ooike, comes over very weekend to be the “housekeeper” for Taichi and his dad. Despite the obvious blood bonds, Taichi and Kyouya became lovers. Throw into the mix, Tachi’s dad, Shougo who used to have a sexual relationship with Kyouya and is still vying for Kyouya’s affections against Taichi and you have one dysfunctional family! [Side Story] Ch 5: Atsumu and Kayama Kazuha are friends and both students preparing to go to university. Kayama tutors Atsumu while also constantly flirting and trying to woo Atsumu. Atsumu always brushes off Kayama advances and tries to deny his desire to also be with Kayama. Will Kayama continue to pursue the defiant Atsumu or give up on him? Or will Atsumu finally cast aside his worries and finally submit to Kayama? [Side Story]

The Hunchback

The Hunchback summary: The Hunchback summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hunchback. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?

I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? summary: Arakawa Kouki is reincarnated to a j.a.pan with a different history than the j.a.pan he knows with the memories of his previous life still intact. Kouki was discouraged, “Aren’t reincarnation stories supposed to be at some fantasy world filled with swords, magic and elves?!”
But one day, his random scribbles leads (his mom) to the discovery of a certain formula, which as a result, leads him to be mistaken as a genius by the entire world.
For that achievement he is sent to the school of prodigies, the State Technology Academy, where he meets the Canadian girl, Alice, and the robot engineering genius, Shingo. And even at such a place, he is still mistaken as a genius?! Every time Kouki shows his knowledge from his previous life, he is mistaken as a genius, and everywhere he goes irregularity follows.
This is the comedic life of a genius reincarnation loaded with misunderstandings.

Laurel Heights: Return To You

Laurel Heights: Return To You summary: Laurel Heights: Return To You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Laurel Heights: Return To You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Baobei Baobei

Baobei Baobei summary: He says, “You really cannot remember me…?’
She has no clue……..
He sighs……”I am Jiang Mo Xiu…..Boston….”
Xia Bao Bei hesitated, pondered….”Ahhhh…..Mo Xiu ge-ge….”
He moves fast, he acts even faster. He has waited so long, patience is not one of his virtues.
Mo Xiu : Do you have a boyfriend?
Bao Bei (shakes her head…?)
Mo Xiu : Do you have anyone whom you like in mind?
Bao Bei (shakes her head again….?)
Mo Xiu : Then I return home just right…..
Bao Bei (what business is it of yours whether I have a boyfriend or not…!!!)
Mo Xiu : Consider it….be my girlfriend….what do you think..???

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