
































内容简介:  电影首映式上,记者看到夏思雨脖子后痕迹:“这是什么?”  夏思雨不在意的撩了撩耳畔长发:“蚊子咬的。”  回家后,薄言把她按在墙边,声音戏谑而危险:“蚊子?要再给夫人复习一下吗?”   *  夏思雨是易胖体质,每每因为变胖被嘲:“胖如怀孕。”  某天她又又又被嘲上热搜,本以为还是一次笑话。谁知影帝薄言回复:“谢谢大家的祝福,宝宝已经三个月了。”1V1双处,霸气御姐+高冷男神1w0-1868 >>


内容简介:穿越到斗罗大陆的时辰,本想在圣魂村安安心心地当一个厨子,不想在跟唐三吃完一顿麻辣兔头后,意外觉醒签到系统!“是否接受系统绑定,成为正义的伙伴。”“不,我不想,我只想安稳度日。”“好的, 接收,全职英灵养成系统绑定成功。”“……”“叮!宿主身在圣魂村,签到成功,获得新手大礼包:【固有结界:无限剑制】【Archer的双臂】”“若不接受,系统将强制抹杀宿主。”…………破魔的红蔷薇,必灭的黄蔷薇,穿刺死棘之枪,干将莫邪……炽天覆七重圆环,伪螺旋剑,石中剑,湖中剑……乖离剑……时辰:“谁说赝品比不过真品。”p1w0-95942 >>


内容简介:周三一月二十五号入V,家连载绿皮唧,盗文者顿顿吃鲱鱼罐头喝洗脚水满脸长腿毛。(西皮:晋衡×秦艽,不要逆西皮不要逆西皮不要逆西皮。)姓师,是一种我国民间极少被人提及的古老职业。传说每一个 姓氏都蕴藏了一种属于古老氏族的天赋,而只要拥有了这种姓氏便相当于拥有这个姓氏的能力。据全国第二十八次人口姓氏普查显示,在中国目前有超过一万三千六十个姓氏。那你知道……自己的姓氏在过去曾代表了什么?注意:姓师是一种职业。万家姓传统文化科普文。西皮:晋锁阳×秦艽,高贵冷艳瘸腿攻×邪魅狷狂神经病受,双主线不要逆西皮,一个残疾的我拯救一个有病的你的故事,谢谢配合。1w0-77280 >>




内容简介:一次交易,她怀上陌生的的孩子,她怀着孕,嫁给了和她定有娃娃亲的男人。本以为这时一场各怀心思的交易,却在这段婚姻里,纠缠出不该有的深情。十月怀胎临产之时,他地上一纸离婚协议书,她才幡然醒 悟。后来他说,老婆回来,我爱的一直都是你。1w0-27695 >>


内容简介:【全本免费】“我怀孕了!”林晚晚不过想去跟顾修寒要个手术费,结果直接被顾家接回了家。顾修寒:爷爷,这个女人我才见过一次啊!林晚晚:男人什么的哪有搞钱快乐,我不想结婚生孩子啊!顾家老爷子 :孩子都有了,这个婚你们结也要结,不结也要结!……婚后“老公,我想要这个电影角色。”“给你。”“老公,我渣爸妈说要跟我断绝关系怎么办1w0-101911 >>


内容简介:灵气复苏:献祭!亿万倍暴击!【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:灵气复苏:献祭!亿万倍暴击!】穿越灵气复苏世界,幸好有献祭暴击系统!……楚风看向一头紫甲地行龙尸体,默念一声:“献祭!”刹那间,系 统空1w0-65934 >>


内容简介:大风狂飙、席卷万里,日月所临,皆为大宋!化身大宋皇族第五子,只为挽那天顷,救我汉家文明!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《神话大宋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -74164 >>




内容简介:人人都道甄好有一门好姻缘,虽是商户女,却在裴慎落魄时招他成了上门女婿,等到日后裴慎中了状元,后位极首辅,风头无两,她也一飞冲天,成了首辅夫人,盛宠一生。可只有甄好自己知道,裴慎捧着她, 护着她,把她疼到了心坎里,唯独不爱她。两人相敬如宾到老,直到死前,甄好终于后悔了。1w2698-80898 >>


内容简介:林启穿书了,穿进了一本甜宠系校园文里,还多了一个校霸男朋友,据说是他死缠烂打才缠来的。想不到还能重读一次高三,穿书前高考才三百分的林启决定,这回他一定要洗心革命,好好学习,争取考上清华 北大!林启穿进去的时候,校霸还没喜欢上他,所以为了后期不让恋爱影响到学习,所以林启决定——趁现在赶紧先和校霸分个手!贺曜攻:闭着眼睛就能考满分,校霸兼学神,暗着骚,超级宠妻狂魔林启受:试图好好学习考清华北大的学渣,能动手一般不动口日常——贺曜:“想分手?”林启认真道:“对。”贺曜伸手将他困在墙角,把脸凑过去,“那先亲我下。”林启:“……”苏苏爽爽甜甜,轻松向,收藏了不吃亏嗷本文又名《锁死,齁甜》每天中午12点更,雨雾小甜饼本文将于16号入v届时万字章备候预收文:《穿成校草被迫营业》俞柏舟穿进了一本爽文里,书里的男主是个有颜有才的学霸,因为各方各面太过耀眼,导致很多人对他不满,想方设法的整他,以至于给男主的高中生活留下了一道黑暗的阴影。然而,反派们都不知道,看似一贫如洗的男主实际上A市首富的小儿子。以及在六年后,男主将会凭借自己的实力取代他爸的位置成为A市新的首富,而十年后,则更是会成为史上最年轻的全国首富!不到那时,反派们就会被男主折磨得痛不欲生!俞柏舟穿进去的时候,嘴里叼着烟,正翘着腿坐在椅子上,一副玩世不恭的模样,而面前的凳子上,准首富则被人五花大绑,盯着他的眼神恐怖如斯。……好巧不巧,他穿成了反派里整男主整得最凶的那一个。被迫当校霸营业的乖乖学渣受vs从二十九岁重生回来的狠戾大佬攻1攻重生,受穿书2苏爽甜,轻松向,开心为主1w0-28456 >>




[From Serenus Dreamers]: 1) Training Love: What happens when Tachibana finds out that Aya has a secret hobby, will he tell Fujiki, who Aya likes or will he keep it a secret? Soon Aya starts to have feelings for Tachibana, how will it go? 2) Pale Sacrifice: Yuri's handsome bodyguard Kashiwagi is always there to protect her. But at night he changes into a wolfish guy and Yuri wouldn't mind being eaten up... 3) Midsummer Temptation: Shiori was a substitute teacher when she met Yuu, and now the two have been dating for awhile. But Shiori is trying to find a job and the stress may be too much for their relationship. 4) The Wound: Mayu has just started dating Kazuya, the hardworking guy she sees every day on her way to work. But there's something she's worried about telling him: she was in a car accident when she was three and has a huge scar that runs down her body. But Kazuya won't mind, right?

Kusuriyubi Hime

From Shoujo Crusade: The qualification for a princess is for a prince to be beside her. Hinaki, who wishes to become a real princess, is a genuine girl. Around Hinaki there is Yume-senpai, who is almost annoying but is really just trying too hard, and other boy followers, but no one is Hinaki's 'prince'. The 'prince' who should be beside Hinaki is inside her ring...!? From Baka-Updates: Houjou Hinaki is a young girl who has in her possesion a ring, a gift from her father. Anyway, this ring is not an usual one. When she kisses it, a young noble man named Sae appears in front of her and grants all her wishes. However, Sae is trapped in the ring and can't tolerate much time outside and together with Hinaki and her freaky schoolmate Yume-senpai, tries to find out a way of how he can escape from the ring's prison.

Ja - Joshi Ni Yoru Agriculture

Her dad, remarried, has moved Inageshi from the city to the country side village of Ogawara where agriculture is very abundant. As a new member of the Nozawa family, she learns the ins and outs of farming which Inageshi finds exciting. But what is more incredible is having new sisters in her life. Yashiro is the oldest, beautiful and seems innocent but has a wild side to her. Mayu is vibrant and vocal but is scared to death of insects. Ringo is the youngest but by far the brains of the group and is an encyclopedia of important and sometimes unimportant information. Their sisterly bonds are still little saplings but with each day passing it becomes stronger.

Kimi To Parade

From Echochi Scans: Kikuchi woke up one fine morning to a message from his ex-girlfriend telling him that she was seeing someone else. Having to go to work after such a crappy experience, he was faced with his uni friend, Sera’s boyfriend, Akaboshi who was also his adorable student. Usually Akaboshi’s rather stoic and aloof but in front of Sera, he just brimmed with so much happiness. Sadly, Sera harboured a secret that will threaten their relationship and poor Kikuchi, being Sera’s good friend, knew about it is caught in between. It didn’t help that Kikuchi’s falling for his student too…

The Book-Hunter at Home

The Book-Hunter at Home summary: The Book-Hunter at Home summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book-Hunter at Home. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband

The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband summary: Ah&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..she was married to a Marquis, yet he only had intent to treat her as a concubine not as his first wife, a princess (princess refers to a person’s first wife, it is a position of power among the wives and in the household). Now she overheard that he only married her for appearances sake?
It was just great! Not only was she forced to marry, she also lost her freedom. Since her husband was also unwilling to marry, they might as well not bother with each other&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.
His newly wedded wife was so very strange!
A night before the wedding he caught her peeking shamelessly. She also demanded that the favor he owed her for having saved his life, two years prior in the desert was to not touch her?
Usually a wife would be sharing a husband with three or four other women. Thus they would be full of worry and trepidation, serving their husband to the best of their ability attempting to become the favourite and obtain the valued Princess position. Yet she actually tried to distance herself from him as much as possible. How was this a relationship?
Though it did not matter to him, for he long had the intention to separate himself from her, he was only marrying her because of the Imperial Edict after all. If he didn’t seize this golden opportunity then he was too dumb to deserve it.
Let her regret it!
She was very proficient in the art of Qi Huang. Even though this princess’ beauty wasn’t too outstanding, it wasn’t bad and her temperament was unquestionable. This Prime Minister’s Daughter even had a touch of feminine charisma. Her varying facial features made him forget about the other beautiful concubine completely and made him want to&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..only care for her!?
Although he swore to the moon that he would not touch her, however tonight the night sky was cloudy&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

The Story of Chautauqua

The Story of Chautauqua summary: The Story of Chautauqua summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of Chautauqua. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Monarchs of the Main

The Monarchs of the Main summary: The Monarchs of the Main summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Monarchs of the Main. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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