
















简介这个勇者自称“老子明明很强”,却谨慎过头漫画 ,超慎重的勇者&二流女神组合的新异世界救济谈












类别热血 玄幻 冒险






内容简介:突然进入了一个历史聊天群,里面很多大咖。嬴政:崇祯,快给朕快递些玉米和红薯种子来,朕派兵帮你打清狗!刘邦:嬴政,你要是敢动刘邦二号,朕会灭了你大秦第二次!康熙:袁世凯,朕的大清亡了?项 羽:刘邦你个小人,我不会再乌江自刎了。曹操:大耳贼,你居然建立了蜀国,我要先灭了这里的你!李白:原来我将来会名垂青史啊,不亏,不亏。成吉思汗:朕的目标是征服全地球,长寿果是朕的。——貂蝉,大乔,小乔,妲己,蔡琰……正穿着比基尼在海南沙滩度假。——墨子刚刚取得了建筑学博士学位,准备回春秋建高楼大厦!——华佗正在学习西医艺术,手术越发厉害,配合中医,无愧神医之名。——乾隆刚从老蒋那里买了大批枪炮武器,准备阴西方列强。——作为主角的王宇,也是历史聊天群群主,正在原始社会教人识字,偶尔到各个历史世界搞东搞西……1w0-28737 >>

娱乐圈之艳色妖精(NP 超H)







内容简介:某一天世界异变,每个人都在收集一种神奇的卡牌。这种卡牌存在于这个世界的各个角落,或是拥有匪夷所思的超能力量,或是能召唤出超能怪物。有些怪物本性良善,而有些怪物却天生便为作恶而生,谓之“ 恶牌”!1w0-63270 >>


内容简介:【系统女帝单女苟】萧凡,地球普通人穿越到潜龙大陆,觉醒天机神算系统。系统可算尽古今!为人算命主角可获得积分。积分可以兑换各种各样的能力。可以抵挡各种各样的攻击。……主角无法修练,平常就 只是普通人,但消耗积分可以让主角短时间内拥有无敌实力。女帝绝美,实力强横。以为主角手无缚鸡之力1w0-127947 >>


内容简介:  推荐新书《绿茶宗师》啊啊啊啊啊啊~一下是本书简介捂脸(*/?\*),“宿主,男主已经被你关在不知道哪个疙瘩三年了。”“哦,他认错了吗?”“没有,他出来之后还偷偷摸摸的跑了。”“那我 们换一个吧。”“……,我不是人,但你是真的狗”“狗子,叫爸爸。”“爸爸!”“乖。”(?ω?)hiahiahia1w0-3734 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:木叶:奈良一族的幕后黑手】“阴遁”代表精神的力量,能在无形之中创造出形体。“阳遁”代表的力量,可以为形体注入生命。穿越到火影世界的奈良一族。奈良陆人发现自己的 影子秘术强得可怕,竟然能够从阴影中投影出记忆中的各种道具、物品、武器。“如果这些东西能够被其他人使用,是不是意味着我的力量寄宿在那些人身上?”抱着这样的想法,仙豆、超神水、影子兵团、恶魔果实等东西逐一现世。奈良陆人成为火影世界的最大幕后黑手。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75261 >>


内容简介:【下本《七零文工团小娇花》求收藏】【预收文《在七零后妈文里当对照组》求收藏】柚柚五岁那年,后妈“穿”过来了。从那之后,小团子开始做预知未来的梦。梦中,她被拐卖、她哥摔成残疾、她姐嫁给鳏 夫、她弟还成了大反派!后妈不单偷亲妈的钱、抢亲妈的男人、还欺负亲妈的崽!柚柚气鼓鼓,连夜离家出走,披荆斩棘找回亲妈。母女俩杀回凤林村,势要讨回公道!柚柚的后妈重生而来,梦想踏上致富路。然而——后妈把一分钱掰成两半花时,柚柚和她亲妈吃红烧肉、喝麦乳精了。后妈汗流浃背赚公分时,柚柚和她亲妈进国营工厂了。后妈高考落榜时,柚柚和她亲妈买房子了。后妈离婚时,柚柚和她亲妈去京市当大老板了。甚至那几个被她特意养歪的继子继女,都一个赛一个有出息,把柚柚惯成了小团宠。说好的重生是财富密码呢?柚柚:我靠预知梦发家致富啦!-V下一本《在七零后妈文里当对照组》求收藏文案:上辈子的温宁在二十五岁那年瘫痪卧床,从此成了丈夫子女幸福新生活中的对照组。丈夫和城里来的知青坠入爱河。大儿子崇拜知青能干体面。二儿子感谢知青对自己的照顾与付出。就连小女儿都被她哄得服服帖帖,俩人手挽手上供销社扯布料。最后,知青带着这三个孩子来到她的病床前下跪,求她同意孩子们改口。只除了那个与她没有血缘关系的小儿子。小奶包卑微地缩在角落,小心翼翼地摇摇头:“尔尔不改口,知青阿姨不是妈妈。”温宁怒火攻心,气死了。死后,她发现自己活在一本七零后妈文中,是个炮灰女配。炮灰女配走后,三个孩子把后妈当作亲妈,孝顺了一辈子。那个和她没有血缘关系的小男孩因过于思念她而被冷落,长大后成了反派。故事的结尾,男女主幸福快乐地生活在一起,再也没人记得她的付出与存在。一朝醒来,她重生了。这一世,温宁不愿再被气死,果断拉着丈夫打证明办离婚。自己生的三个娃是白眼狼,后妈要就给后妈留着吧。未来的反派崽崽要带在身边,让他走上正道。至于前夫和女知青——都不用她破坏,知青返城的通知一下来,女知青就脚底抹油溜走了。后来,前夫带着三个娃跪在她面前痛哭流涕,可她连看都没有看一眼。温宁带着小团子坐火车上首都,当女厂长去啦!1w0-39814 >>


内容简介:回到明朝洪武年间,成为朱元璋第十五子朱植,穿越的那天正好是朱植二十岁生日,他也在这天被封为辽王……从未来而来,朱植的未来同样被改变。一边是历史上记载的朱棣篡位,一边是扶不起的建文帝。太 子临终托孤,朱植该如何是好?倒朱棣,则朱棣胜;倒建文,拯救这个懦弱皇帝?还是走出第三条道路?骑兵新书《明相》2257084,已经上传。欢迎新老读者收藏支持。1w0-84583 >>


内容简介:21世纪女孩,转生到异世界。虽然一出生就是孤儿,但是天赋异禀,上天眷顾,小小年纪就能到高级学府就学。奈何黑暗势力太邪恶,女孩人小势微,不得不被迫“死亡”。大难不死的她,只想平静地度过余 生,可是,世间的恩怨情仇怎是你想撇清就能撇得清的。重新回归的她,改头换面,重新开始,然而,命运依旧不饶人……1w0-98463 >>

Oh! My Sweet Baby!!!

Original doujinshi From Futarikiri: Shinozaki is dating his teacher Mizusawa. Valentine's day is approaching and Shinozaki wants a token of his teacher's affection...

Princess Recipe

Satoru Takamiya's 'First Love Masterpiece' collection consists of five stories. [Taken from ShoujoMagic]: 1) Princess Recipe (Ohime-sama no Reshipi) - Makoto lives alone until two strange boys from the world of games appear before her! One is a knight, and the other is a wizard. And just like in the game, Makoto becomes the 'princess'! In order to save Princess Makoto from the wicked wizard, the cool knight Nanase begins living with her!? 2) Angel Falling (Tenshi Tsuiraku) - This is a secret: Heaven is a company, and angels are its employees! Hashiba is just a beginning angel in the death department, so she spends most of her time on earth. She's very excited when she receives her first assignment--until it turns out that the soul she's supposed to take to heaven is that of Toujou-kun, a human boy who's always been nice to her. She doesn't want him to die... Is this the beginning of an angel falling? 3) The Light of the Moon, the Shimmer of Love (Tsuki no Hikari, Koi no Kagayaki) - A tremendous force pulls moon fairy Kouya down to earth, but when she finds the boy responsible, he claims he did nothing to draw her to him and tells her to go home. But Kouya is literally stuck to Takimoto Sui and can't go home as long as he has a wish to see something and it remains not granted. What is the wish that lonely Sui is keeping locked inside, that was so powerful it reached as far as the moon? 4) A Program that Loves (Koi Suru Puroguramu) - Year 2487, Kirika is 16 years old, and it's high time she got married. Not exactly enamored with the idea, she runs away from her wealthy home, only to land herself in bigger trouble with a group of hoodlums! And the only one who can save her is...walking away!? Konoe is a mercenary with a sci-fi secret who'll only help Kirika for money! (So it's a good thing Kirika has some.) She purchases him for three days, but when Konoe goes above and beyond the call of duty, Kirika gets in the mood to...*cough*...install his hardware in her system! 5) A Love Fragrant with Kisses (Kisu de Kaoru Koi) - Hikari wants to know all there is to know about kissing, and she wants her teacher to teach her! She has a million different wishes, so it's a lucky thing that she stumbles upon a magic lamp! But what's wrong with the genie Izumi? He's so unenthusiastic, and kind of a jerk. He tricks her out of her wishes until she's down to just one. What will it be...?

Holy Alice

Facing 'Death' for the one I love is something I would do without hesitation, but this isn't right. I didn't live until today only to die for the one I love. I longed to look into your blue eyes, but you only looked down on me and turned away. I was chosen that very day to be the 'Alice' who would breathe her last breath to save your love, 'Heart'. Original version:Naver English version:Tapastic

Secret Kiss

Summary by Shoujo Kreuz: Wakaba attends the cram school where the popular Toudou-sensei works. The quiet but easily angered Wakaba is a weak person…and he suddenly confesses! Even though Wakaba thought she wasn’t being taken seriously, Sensei came to console the broken-hearted Wakaba. They decide on a ‘trial date’ to see if they’re compatible, but Sensei is popular and an adult. Wakaba is uneasy. From Rebellious Love: A cram school teacher and a cram school student. A university student and a high school student. A 19 year-old and a 15 year-old. It doesn't match at all! The words, 'Let's go out' seems unspeakable to Wakaba. She's weak but she suddenly gets confessed to by her cram school teacher, Toudou-sensei. He's an adult and he's popular among the girls, so what's going to happen now?!

A Master of Craft

A Master of Craft summary: A Master of Craft summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Master of Craft. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise summary: At long last, Fu Zhi, the mysterious heiress who had developed countless technologies was given two guardians by the country! Initially, the Lu Brothers shut her out when she joined the Lu Family. However, after spending some time with her, they began to warm up to her and took turns showing their brotherly love for her by throwing money at her.
Lu Yumo would say, “My sister just came from the countryside, so don’t scare her.”
Lu Yushen would say, “My sister is fragile, so don’t bully her.”
Lu Yubai would say, “My sister is not good at studying, so don’t laugh at her.”
Nevertheless, it soon became clear to them that the little girl from the countryside was not what they had imagined.
One day, a reporter took a photo of a professor carrying her purse and having a meal with her.
The professor said, “She is my teacher, and I’m her student.”
The crowd was surprised. “What?”
Another day, a different reporter snapped a photo of a business magnate serving her tea.
The business magnate said, “She is my boss, and I’m her employee.”
The crowd was shocked. “What?”
On a different day, a group of reporters spotted the biggest esports bigwig stepping down from his throne and helping her get rid of a sc.u.mbag.
The bigwig said, “Stop all this hara.s.sment and the rumors. She’s my sponsor.”
The netizens asked, “Just how many supporters do you have?
The country’s official portal responded, “We’re her strongest supporter.”

Lady Byron Vindicated

Lady Byron Vindicated summary: Lady Byron Vindicated summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Byron Vindicated. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction

The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction summary: The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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