


























简介(每周二、周日更新) 房价太高怎么办?修真打怪来钱快! 不吃不喝才能买得起房子的时代,只好去修仙了! 码农房奴成就最强修真者,打工打怪打BOSS,赚钱还贷奔小康。






内容简介:  苏长青重生在九二年某个夏日的黄昏,开启了他的光影世界。这是一个小导演从MV拍起的故事。“属于我们的时代从来就未曾到来,前路浩浩荡荡,万事皆可期待。”1w0-3365


内容简介:随着不存在的渡轮进入帝国海关,孤独的游魂开始学习如何在人类社会中生活。它曾接受过来自月光的善意,也曾倾听钟楼中无声的低语。它曾为了一个铜板疲于奔命,也曾为被欠薪的工人打抱不平。它的身边 逐渐聚集起了各种各样的同行者:以兽化病毒作为超凡之能的亚人、以月光为食的影子、来自遥远东方且手持王器的外乡人、精神错乱的占星师、只存在于电流中的幽魂、量子纠缠态的古神……以及平凡的工人。它见证着万丈高楼拔地而起,1w0-89849 >>






内容简介:那一世,她是宋云祥,他是陆海空。他们青梅竹马,可她却——“一辈子太长,我只争朝夕……做掉他,我就踏实了。”那一世,他是师父空,她是徒弟祥。他们上行下效,可他却——“小爷翻遍了整个山头, 原来是尔等绑了她。我养的猪,你们居然敢先给我宰了……”她犹记得在那场惊了天的斗殴之前,曾与那噩梦一样的男人说过一句话——我是让你人生从此变得黑暗的乌云。事后想来,那句话,她说得实在是过于片面了。祥云仙子因一时冲动,不得不与初空神君一起历七世情劫。而这执行之人——托塔李天王,最爱的竟是那小媳妇追相公的戏码!—口—!两个人都1w72613-80463 >>




内容简介:以身祭天后,叶婉汐意外穿回现代。从此,娱乐圈有名的绿茶作精,成了各界大佬保驾护航的第一团宠。房地产大佬:“预留现房百套,小师妹想住哪套住哪套。”金融巨鳄:“我的钱就是小师妹的钱,随便花 ,别客气。”知名大导:“从今往后,我的戏女主都是小师妹!”电脑天才:“敢黑我小师妹,都给我小心点哦。”吃瓜路人&黑粉:这背后肯定有什么见不得人的py交易!封·首富·大师兄:“……”我看你们是欠收拾了!1w0-29530 >>




内容简介:他是世界首富的继承人,她是他的孪生妹妹。曾经他们是最亲密的恋人,曾经他们共同孕育了一个孩子,曾经他为了她差点失去了生命。然而再美丽的爱情,也终抵不过世俗的眼光。在他以为她已永远离开时, 一个与她神似却面容陌生的女人突然重新点亮了他的世界。她会是她吗?他还能幸福吗?片段一:莫言小朋友就不那么安分了。坐在哥哥的怀里动来动动去,一会把玩着桌面上的文具,一会直往哥哥怀里钻,一会靠在哥哥的胸膛上假寐,百无聊赖的样子。而哥哥好像完全不受她影响似的。‘哥哥认真的时候好酷啊!可是为什么哥哥都不理我,好想和哥哥玩啊’莫言盯着哥哥的侧脸愤愤的想,‘一定要做些什么来引起哥哥的注意才行’行动主义者莫言小朋友,立刻从哥哥怀里站起来,双手捧着莫凡的脸,吻了上去。片段二:“哥哥,我饿。”莫言涨红着脸弱弱的对哥哥说。“好,宝贝,我们起床,哥哥给言儿做好吃的。”说着莫凡就抱起妹妹让她紧紧地贴着自己,一步一步的走向浴室,昂扬随着动作微微摩擦肉壁。“嗯,啊。”莫言又忍不住呻yin出声,温顺地躺在哥哥的怀里。浴室里,为了方便莫言刷牙,莫凡换了一个姿势。莫凡从后面进入,双手抵着妹妹的小腹,开始猛烈地抽插,害的正在刷牙的莫言尖叫连连。原始的律动一直持续到两人洗刷完毕。莫凡又把妹妹抱上梳洗台上激情了一番,才离开浴室,前往厨房准备早餐。莫凡一只手抱着妹妹让她稳稳地跨坐在自己的腰上,一只手侍弄着食材,就这样优雅的在厨房里竣行这。莫言从头到尾所有的感官都在结合处上,情绪随着哥哥的动作忽上忽下的,只好无力的靠在哥哥的胸膛里大口大口地喘着气。莫凡会在等水沸腾的过程中,把妹妹抵着墙壁上,以各种姿势要她,听着不断从妹妹口中溢出的天籁之音。洗碗的时候,莫凡会从后面进入,双手从妹妹的腋下穿过,头埋在妹妹的颈间轻轻地啃着,身下还不忘狠狠的律动。连吃早餐时,莫凡都不放过妹妹。莫凡抱着妹妹坐在一张非常宽敞的椅子上,面前放着是一碗燕窝粥和一碗篸汤。莫凡吹了吹燕窝粥,才喂进妹妹的嘴里,还没等她咽下,就撬开了她的嘴巴,与之争食。与妹妹缠绵进食的同时,莫凡还不忘恶作剧地有一下没一下地顶着莫言。幸福才刚刚开始呢!各位亲,喜欢的就收藏追文吧,浅浅感激不尽。各位书友要是觉得《双胞胎的爱恋——蜜宠小妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79220 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我和冰山总裁老婆》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读【热门新书、免费阅读】他,没有人知道他来自哪里,但见过他的人,都奉他为战场最恐怖的‘修罗’。而在江湖上都称呼他‘九爷’当失忆王者归来 ,遇到了冰山总裁,他们之间会发生怎样的家庭冲突呢?1w0-103976 >>


内容简介:楚江名声很响,名头更多。“绝世厨神”“史上最牛炼药师”“再世医神”“心理大师”“全知全能者”“最逆天的男人”等等……狂热的亿万粉丝疯狂追问:“你是怎么做到的呢?”楚江瞟了一眼全职业大师 系统光幕上自己那看不到底的一长溜职业,一脸唏嘘。“如果你有一个长得像天仙、能力如妖孽的老婆,你也会很努力的……男人,你懂的!”1w57665-84376 >>


内容简介:特种兵陈天生,魂穿亮剑世界,练民兵,组建县大队。不知不觉间,成长为独立团最强战力。李家坡之战;赵刚:“老李,山崎大队全军覆没了!”正排兵布阵的李云龙一脸懵逼:“什么?老子们还没开始进攻 ,山崎大队就没了?谁干的?”平安格勒战役;刑副团长一脸担忧对李云龙道:“团长,鬼子多股增援部队正在赶来……”李云龙丝毫不慌,大手一挥道:“不要紧,命令陈天生率领县大队,先给老子灭了敌人的1w0-33447 >>

Jail Bird

collection of onehsot 3) Blue Cheer Nobuhiro Honjou was, all of a sudden, attacked and kidnapped by two guys. He woke up to find himself tied to a chair in front of a an unfamiliar young man... 27 pages concerning abduction, drugs, death, sex, and torture. 'Maybe it was the drugs... or... or because I was already insane... or maybe because I was only looking for body pleasure... or... maybe in that moment, I really did love him...' -- Honjou (summary written by Flamie) The insane love between a drug dealer and the mad man who was in the incest relationship with his younger brother who died from overdose. 4) Betrayal Game The revenge drama of the beautiful employee who is sold to the support company's owner by his lover, the young CEO of the company. 5) Futaba-kun and Futaba-kun The romance of a student who gradually finds many unique points in his transfer classmate with the same name and falls in love with.


A lighthearted comedy involving elementary school kids.

Prince Of Tennis

Ryoma Echizen just joined the Seishun Academy's tennis team, which is known for being one of the most competitive teams in Japan. Its members are incredibly talented, gifted, and athletic. With rigorous and extremely intense practices, the upperclassmen of the team expect the very best from themselves and they expect even more from the new members of the team. While most of the freshmen are on pins and needles hoping they won't get cut from the team, Ryoma Echizen is confident, cool, and collected. Some might even say he's cocky, but at least he's got the skills to back up his attitude. With his virtually unreturnable 'twist serve,' Ryoma is sure to make the starting team. Join Ryoma and the other first years, as they train hard, make friends, and try to find a place for themselves on the team. Ryoma Echizen is the Prince of Tennis. He may be ready for the Seishun Academy tennis team, but are THEY ready for HIM? By the way, the Tennis skills in this series is completely beyond normal human standards and includes but is not limited to burning holes in your opponents rackets, striking your opponent so hard he flies several dozen meters, travelling in a spiral in mid air and even shutting down your opponents senses so that they cannot see, hear or feel (somehow) and therefore, has been put under the 'Fantasy' genre. NOTE: It has been announced that these 379 chapters serve as a prologue to a new series currently in the works. See 'Shin Tennis no Oujisama' for continuation. ANOTHER NOTE: Also, there is a short collection of 4 panel comics under the name of 'Houkago no Oujisama', or 'Prince of Afterschool' featuring characters and inside jokes from this manga.

Hua Cao Guan Xi - Close To You

From Anibebe: For centuries the Lee and Dai had shared a deep bond in the form of a master-servant relationship which gradually evolved into a strong friendship between the heirs of both families. Therefore true to tradition Dai Xiaodao (aka Dai Xiaoshuang) decides to assume the role of the manservant for Li Qingri (aka childhood friend) in place of her dead brother, Dai Dadao. To her chagrin, pretending to be a boy was but the tip of the iceberg in terms of the list of challenges that would come her way. On top of having to contain her secret love for Li Qingri who has become her roommate... what's the deal with that sinister-looking senpai (who's always flashing some fish at her) and that sweet-looking female classmate (who's really a carnivore in herbivore's clothing)! All that aside, what was that mysteriously beautiful scent that Dai Xiaodao got a whiff of when she bumped into the notorious Ye Weien at that secret path? Surely, no matter what the legend says, that obnoxious playboy could not be the man of her destiny!

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) summary: Seventeen-year-old Hajime Nagumo is your average, everyday otaku. However, his simple life of pulling all-nighters and sleeping in school is suddenly turned upside down when he, along with the rest of his cla.s.s, is summoned to a fantasy world!
They’re treated like heroes and tasked with the duty of saving the human race from utter extinction.
But what should have been any otaku’s wet dream quickly turns into Hajime’s nightmare? While the rest of his cla.s.s are blessed with G.o.dlike powers, Hajime’s job, Synergist, only has a single trans.m.u.tation skill. Ridiculed and bullied by his cla.s.smates for being weak, he soon finds himself in despair.
Will he be able to survive in this dangerous world of monsters and demons with only a glorified blacksmith’s level of strength?

Finder's Stone - Song Of The Saurials

Finder's Stone - Song Of The Saurials summary: Finder's Stone - Song Of The Saurials summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Finder's Stone - Song Of The Saurials. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Companion - The Hunger

The Companion - The Hunger summary: The Companion - The Hunger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Companion - The Hunger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reveries over Childhood and Youth

Reveries over Childhood and Youth summary: Reveries over Childhood and Youth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reveries over Childhood and Youth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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