
































内容简介:【【第三届网络原创文学现实主义题材征文大赛】参赛作品】“小姐,您贵姓?”他失踪了三年多,一见面竟然跟她玩儿失忆,哼!姑奶奶我可是老中医,专治各种疑难杂症,只是没想到这家伙病得顽固,不仅 失忆,还厌食、神经衰弱……追夫之路是漫漫长路,追夫之难难于上青天,遥望那张帅得掉渣渣儿的俊脸,她捶胸顿足,为何以前面对如此美色竟能面不改色、老僧入定,她觉得她以前不仅傻,而且缺,可现在,嘿嘿,本姑娘智商上线了,本姑娘的座右铭是:他的手得牵就牵;他的嘴得亲就亲;他的人得睡就睡,总之,他的便宜……得占就占……非你莫属:钟情于你最新章节地址:1w0-78269 >>


内容简介:恶魔真的是恶魔吗?为什么恶魔非要是邪恶的呢?“西木!”“嗯?有什么事情吗小玉?”“刀龙来十三区捣乱了!”“让成龙解决不就好了?”“可是龙叔不是对手,人家想要你来帮吗嘛。”“那你等着,我 这就来!”如果您喜欢成龙历险记中当恶魔,别忘记分享给朋友作者:暗影所写的《成龙历险记中当恶魔》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-81692 >>


内容简介:奉安城有句流传很广的古语:男儿不可长于妇孺之手。直到出自身将门的顾家女顾汐宁,卸甲归来,接掌顾家和顾氏族学后,奉安所有人的脸都被打肿了。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《将军退役后日常》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75535 >>


内容简介:因为在路上玩手机结果不小心出车祸身亡——原本应该是这样。然而苏醒之后却发现自己竟然转生成了一本魔导书。嗯,看起来很厉害的样子,但是为什么是魔导书啊?!而且还转生在被称为世界最难的深渊迷 宫之中…1w0-74032 >>


内容简介:08年夏,顾溪转去异地读高三,再次翻开初中日记本“我知道他姓谢,他在三楼,我在五楼,那么耀眼的存在,世界好像都是他的。”“那时我没想到,这竟是我最后一次听到他的名字。”昔日的天之骄子谢 西逾家道中落,被发配偏远小城。顾溪和他再遇,少年竟变得各位书友要是觉得《等风有声》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99132 >>


内容简介:宗派弟子燕云辰得到了一枚神秘的空间戒指,戒指中躲藏着一个神界遇难,坠落凡界的圣女。为了讨好主人燕云辰,高贵的圣女不得不拿出一件件神界功法,还有诸般绝世宝贝。燕云辰自此走向巅峰,傲笑天地 。横行霸道,败尽天下英雄,成就了一段绝世武圣的热血传奇。什么?燕云辰表示还要趁人之危,对圣女图谋不轨!圣女当即脸色一白。1w0-4401 >>


内容简介:有一天,穿越而来的路遥正躺于卧石之上,静心养气时,一个名叫万界次元交流议会的组织找上门来了。从此之后,他那平淡的生活,终于多出了一点波澜。大唐关内,李太白饮酒赋诗,单人提剑,三入长安, 青莲剑歌起,一剑光寒耀九州,大河之剑天上来!武当山上,有道人大彻大悟,终了凡尘执念,徒步入中原,秉承老友之志,只手挽天倾,再塑汉家河山!太平道中,有天师呼风唤雨,撒豆成兵,卦象算尽天下,仍矢志不改,一柄清净拂尘,与天争命,只为天下太平!路遥:“万界次元交流议会,本着互帮互助,共同进步的原则,欢迎你的到来!”创了个群,大家喜欢聊天的可以加进来玩呀,群号:874144798。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《万界次元交流议会》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79473 >>


内容简介:因为感情问题辞职的宁致远,无意中却拥有了穿越到电影和电视位面的能力。当宁致远携带着位面商人的最初理想,小心翼翼地将自己的触手伸向一个个异位面之后……人生就此变得不再普通!“只有开拓更多 的位面,帝国才能更加的强大!”坐在混沌级星舰上的宁致远,如是说道。1w0-25014 >>


内容简介:【【红袖读书——首届“全球征文大赛”】参赛作品】新婚夜,顾念被渣老公和莲花妹妹陷害,随手抓了一只霍先生入洞房。从此,霍先生就缠上顾念了,爱到病态,偏执成狂。偏执病娇·霍:“顾念是我的, 嘴巴是我的,身体是我的……全都是我的,谁敢来抢,弄死他!”宠妻狂魔·霍:“我霍冷枭的老婆必须会败家,必须会耍横,必须会像螃蟹一样横着走!”世人皆受不了霍先生的深(变)情,炫(态)妻,跑顾念微博下留言:顾影后,求你各位书友要是觉得《偏执老公超难哄》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-87159 >>




内容简介:丫头来,叔叔帮你检查身体!手术刀会拿,针灸也会耍。中医、西医都不在话下。我就是神医柳下惠。【纯YY小说!非医学典籍!】【喜欢较真、医术达人勿入!】各位书友要是觉得《神医柳下惠》还不错的 话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-56220 >>


内容简介:汇市一中的校级“风云人物”林初遇,转学到汇市三中的高三(10)班。开学第一天,她不仅惹了汇市三中跟她同级别的汇市三中同学们都惹不起的大佬,还打了隔壁班两个男同学,更遇上了初中时期跟她不 对付的老相识……从开学第一天,关于林初遇的传闻层出不穷,这些传闻到底是真是假,没有人知道……1w0-76342 >>

Bamboo Blade

From Yen Press: Poor, in debt, and living on instant noodles, high school kendo instructor Kojiro makes a bet with an old friend on a practice meet between the all-girls’ teams of their respective schools. The prize: a year’s worth of free sushi! It’s too good for the desperate Kojiro to pass up! But with only one active member on the kendo team, Korjio must move quickly to put together a squad before the meet. He’s got his eye on Tamaki, the daughter of a kendo master and a skilled swordswoman herself. The only trouble is…she’s not interested. Kojiro’s willing to try anything, but what will it take to win her over?

W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - The Comic

W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - the Comic summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of W Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger - the Comic. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Yuuwaku - Sakaraenai Yokubou

1) Teach Me More by SHINJO Mayu On her way home from school, Hina is attacked by a pervert on the train! She's too embarrassed to raise her voice, but - she's saved by Kyousuke!? Kyousuke is the hottest guy around, and there's not a single girl who doesn't want him. He pulls Hina off the train, and then... he does more things to Hina than the pervert on the train would have! (Also included in Motto Oshiete) 2-4) Chase 4Me by IBUKI Kaede Hana's mother and father died when she was five, and ten years later it's her four incredibly over-protective and super-possessive brothers who take care of her. Today, she's beginning her first day of high school at an all girls school... but when she accidentally walks into the all boys school next door, she's assaulted by males! Then Hana falls in love at first sight with the boy who saves her - Ren - and begs him to take her on a date. Ren can can rescue Hana from the boys in his school... but is he any match for Hana's brothers? 5) The Frontline of Summer! A First Date Victory-or-Defeat Charge by FUJIWARA Natsu Megumi is 16 years old. Today is her first date with her crush, Satou-kun, and... the extra-long title says it all about this extra-short story! 6) Radical Love Revolution by SARA Mahiro Riko and Kippei have been friends since they were kids. They're so close that they beat up bullies together, and now they've handcuffed themselves to each other! They've always looked for excuses to fight... but now Riko is looking for an excuse to love. So the question becomes: can Kippei survive the romantic advances of a girl who expresses herself through violence? 7) The Desires of My Right Hand, the Beating of My Heart by AYUKAWA Mio Touko is a mild-mannered high school girl with an unspoken crush on Kuga-kun... until her friend hypnotizes her, and Touko's right hand takes on a perverted mind of its own! It gropes Kuga-kun, and Touko no longer has any control over it...!? 8) Sepia-colored Secret Room by HARUSHIRO Amami Third grader Chiko's friends were constantly being bullied by Rei-kun, a boy who glared at them with beautiful sepia-colored eyes, because he didn't want anyone hanging around Chiko but him. They took revenge on him by locking him in a haunted house, and Chiko never saw him again... Seven years later, the new transfer student from America is... Rei!? He's become rich and is twice as sadistic as before, and he's got a score to settle with Chiko's friends - and Chiko herself.

Snow White's Secret

From Rayns&Lele Scans: A professional assassin with the codename of 'Red Wolf' suddenly receives a request— To kill Snow white. How cute... But wait! Just who is the real snow white?!

Educational Work of the Girl Scouts

Educational Work of the Girl Scouts summary: Educational Work of the Girl Scouts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Educational Work of the Girl Scouts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Youth Began With Him

My Youth Began With Him summary: Seven years ago, after their breakup, he disappeared without a trace.
Now, he reappeared on the eve of her wedding, sparing no means in forcing her to marry him…
With a certificate of marriage, he bound her mercilessly to his side.
From there, this “Cinderella” began her journey as a wife to the heir of a business empire…
Mrs Huo – composed, sharp-tongued, and freakishly smart.
Mr Qin – wife-spoiler to no end and a complete “slave” to their daughter.
Quality love story, one on one. You are welcome to get hooked on this story with us.

The Book Of Secrets

The Book Of Secrets summary: The Book Of Secrets summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book Of Secrets. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

America, through the spectacles of an Oriental diplomat

America, through the spectacles of an Oriental diplomat summary: America, through the spectacles of an Oriental diplomat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of America, through the spectacles of an Oriental diplomat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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