












类别都市 恋爱 修真








类别都市 恋爱 霸总












内容简介:★★★本书简介★★★楚眠被厉大总裁从贫民窟捡出来的时候,一无所有,后来她被宠上了天。“那个楚眠啊,弃婴一个,脑子还有问题,一副穷酸相。”有人说,然后就撞见楚眠连签数十本房产过户协议,签 到打瞌睡。“那个楚眠啊,后台都没有,也不知道横什么。”有人说,然后就看到第一财团总裁厉天阙公开了两人的婚姻。“那个楚眠啊,我知道,她早就不能生了!”又有人说,接着就被厉家小少爷打得钻狗洞,“妈咪不能生,1w5783-29674 >>


内容简介:玩网络游戏,什么最重要?装备最重要?错;级别最重要?错;兄弟最重要?错;RMB最重要?错。运气最重要,升级装备次次成,打小怪都能爆神装?谁能比?修仙也一样,你修炼快,你天赋高,比不上咱 掉崖就拣宝。你有家族,你有后台,你有修炼资源,比得上咱随便探个山谷,都有奇遇?一个穿越到修仙世界,处处受人欺凌的小杂役,在收拾藏书的时候,突然得到了一份和太极图相关的修行功法,于是,他的好运修行之旅开始了。1w0-27336 >>


内容简介:  四目道长:“徒儿,赶尸之道,为师已经全传给你了!”  齐漱溟:“徐君明,我蜀山与你势不两立!”  孙悟空:“大哥,王母娘娘的寝宫咱们还是不要去了,要是万一撞见…!”  《僵尸叔叔》 、《聊斋》、《蜀山剑侠传》、《西游记》、《封神榜》,错过‘九叔’,没拿到主角模板的徐君明流浪在诸天世界!1w0-1622 >>






内容简介:一次意外,蓝谦连人带魂穿越到了战魔大陆,开始一段惊心动魄的异世界之旅。灵泉之益,铸就庞大丹田,得以随心所欲地挥霍灵力;凡人之躯,竟是十绝之体,更是千年罕见的纯之圣体;炎黄子孙,并非空穴 来风,且看本命武技的全面觉醒。蓝家老祖,药皇东臧,宙合神碑,蓝谦携三道传承,闯战魔大陆;莹华果,药王体,宙王宫,蓝谦身怀三大神器,历百战,终成皇!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《百战成皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76084 >>


内容简介:论救错反派的下场全文小说全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《论救错反派的下场全文小说》凤羽涅著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读论救错反派的下场全文小说 全文内容。1w14630-75603 >>


内容简介:勉为其难穿越到斗罗世界,陈阳向某位大能许下了三个愿望。1,拥有诸天万界最为俊美的外貌,颜值即是正义!2,拥有随便修炼就能到九十九级的天赋!3,拥有几十个神位的传承道具(如海神的三叉戟, 修罗神的剑这一类的道具)大能轻而易举的帮助陈阳实现了愿望,而陈阳也获取了龙神和时空间之神的双神位考核(外加其他一大堆有的没的神位)开局穿越到星斗大森林,误打误撞的被古月娜认为是龙神转生前往圣魂村寻找涛哥,没想到涛哥居然认出了陈阳的武魂加入了武魂殿,居然直接成为了武魂殿的圣子陈阳这才意识到,真正的穿越者,比小说里的要离谱的多。——本书不跟原著,不舔唐三,主角不是太监。普通读者群:756292802(需回答作者的名字)VIP读者群:957145721(作者任何一本书五百粉丝值可加,进群请发截图)1w0-26427 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全民海岛:我能给万物刷词条】全民海岛的世界,经过考验即可成为海岛主,享受无上权柄。苏白穿越而来,激活系统,获得给万物刷词条的能力。给农田添加【五谷丰登】,百倍 产出,仓库爆满。给果树添加【神话信仰】,晋升世界树,撑起无尽苍穹。给宝石猫添加【化形】……给我变!多年以后,面对采访,苏白侃侃而谈。“我能有今天的成就,全靠自己的努力。”“添加词条!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-79434 >>


内容简介:原谅渣攻后我反悔了by笔趣阁,原谅渣攻后我反悔了bysodu,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by小说,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by顶点,原谅渣攻后我反悔了by怀漾,精选来自————原谅渣攻后我反悔了全世 界都知道,白嘉钰爱惨了薛景言。甘愿放弃年薪百万的工作,洗手作羹汤。薛景言不记得纪念日,原谅;对他冷暴力,也原谅;哪怕和其他人夜不归宿,都能原谅。谁让他瞎了眼,大学就暗恋除了张脸一无是处的薛景言,将其视为白月光呢?圈子里都说,薛景言是头根本捂不热的白眼狼,白嘉钰继续执迷不悟,只会凄凉收场。他也不为所动。直到这次,他被薛景言的暧昧对象设计车祸,当场昏迷。醒来以后,却意外恢复了丢失三年的记忆。两个极富冲击力的事实立刻出现在他脑子里——1白月光另有其人,他因故失忆加上渣攻自作多情,造就了这个不怎么美丽的误会2当初之所以和薛景言交往,完全是为了借他打进上流圈什么委曲求全的金丝雀,和自己完全不沾边。他白嘉钰,就是个为达目的不择手段的毒蝎子。向来温驯的眉眼浮上冰凉,看着车祸当天,薛景言还被狗仔偷拍到和男男女女开轰趴的画面,冷笑不迭。就这么个玩意儿,哪怕是失忆后的自己选择原谅,也够脑子进水的了。现在反悔,让他把新仇旧恨一并虐回来,不算迟吧?—薛景言买了束花,虽然他并不觉得车祸怪自己,但毕竟是在给他送饭的路上出事,适当哄一哄,也没什么关系。想到这个满心满眼都是自己的小情人一定强撑病体,烧了一桌子菜等他回来,就忍不住飘飘然。没办法,谁让白嘉钰离不开他。哪知道一开门,黑灯瞎火,人去楼空。他顿时傻了。电话打了好几遍才接通,听见质问,那个满心满眼都是他的小情人嗤笑一声,语气极为不耐:“嫌你脏,而且我这辈子最讨厌做饭,懒得伺候,拜拜。”—半年后某名流宴会,狐朋狗友终于见到消失已久的薛景言。“薛大影帝,这么久没找哥几个玩,是找了新人,乐不思蜀了?”“别瞎说!”倜傥非凡的脸竟露出紧张的意味,瞥了眼人群中央,那个长身玉立,似笑非笑的男人,故意拔高了音调——“我已经戒烟戒酒半年了,还学了厨艺,现在由里到外特别干净,不信来验验身!”冷心冷情白切黑万人迷受x玩世不恭被教做人后改邪归正攻1v1,追妻火葬场,攻前期真的很狗,但受恢复记忆后黑化值x,虐攻绝不手软11w0-70525 >>


内容简介:大学生村官陈子州,犯了桃花煞,连贬两级,却在村里走上桃花运,奇遇拈花神功,从性悟道,桃花运就是官运。于是,他一路官运亨通,一路俘获女村妇、女秘书、女警花、女教师、女学生、女白领、女领导 、女明星……1w0-84849 >>


内容简介:救人一世,尽落个满门抄斩,再世为人,她要逆天改命,毒祸天下!获神剑,契神兽,修神诀,炼天下神器!欺我者亡!虐我者死!诛我全家之人,让你连活都没有可能!再活一世,就是这样猖狂!他是世上最 冷漠的九爷,战场见到他的人,都已经死了,人送“活阎王”。本以为他是最无情的九王爷,却变成了自己夜夜变狼的大师兄!“小师妹,我可以罩你一生!”“大师兄,我可以毒你全家!”“太好了!小师妹,我们一起双修祸害全天下!”双煞合并,天下谁人不抖!1w0-2304 >>

I’M Desperate To Get Stronger

Yi Shuihan and his sister Yi Chuchu, who were reborn from the apocalypse and returned to the age of 18, accidentally broke into a mysterious transaction in the secret room of horror, and the two were silenced by the mysterious man. , The two were rescued by members of the supernatural organization Rejection Star Alliance. Yi Shuihan woke up and found that he was activated by an energy item carried by the mysterious man, while his younger sister Yi Chuchu needed to use the energy item to maintain her life. In order to obtain the energy items that sustain his sister’s life, Yi Shuihan joined the supernatural organization. As he went deeper into the battle against the star beasts, Yi Shuihan gradually gained insight into the secrets of his own life and rebirth.…… I’m desperate to get stronger

Tte Iuka Koi Ja Ne?

From Shoujo Crusade: Ichino is a high school girl who absolutely hate guys due to the fact that her father betrayed them when she was young; stealing all the valuables that she & her mother possessed & disappearing without a trace. Since then she has vowed to become strong so she would not lose to any man. She has also longed for the day she could meet the lady from a fateful encounter in her childhood. One day, she accidentally beat up a guy who she mistook as a pervert pestering her friend, Miyabi. She tries to apologize but ends up beating him up even more.... She developed a distaste for the guy and two of his friends as they bump into each other once again resulting in more misunderstandings. Ichino personally believed that if she came across the same person thrice that would be considered 'fate'... Coincidentally, the start of her school begun with a surprise as she found out that all THREE of them turned out to be her new classmates !!

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Kevin Tank

Kevin Tank summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kevin Tank. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Our Bird Comrades

Our Bird Comrades summary: Our Bird Comrades summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Bird Comrades. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavy Sweetness Ash-Like Frost

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Four thousand years later, the Heavenly Emperor’s second son, the Phoenix Fire Deity was entrapped by someone and mistakenly entered Shui Jing. He was saved by the ignorant Jin Mi. After living together for a hundred years, the Fire Deity gradually developed feelings for Jin Mi. Who would have thought that he would be attracted to Jin Mi?
In between the Heavenly World and the Devil World, there is an immeasurably deep River of Forgetfulness, where the war between the Fire Deity and Night Deity finally erupts.

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Then came Makoto Ichiyanagi. A cla.s.smate of hers who, though good in studying, had poor social disposition. She dubbed him as the “G.o.d of Study”
She requested him to help her in her studies. As a result, Madoka’s grades improved from the study method Makoto taught. Meanwhile, Makoto’s shyness gradually cured through his contact with Madoka.
This is a subtle love story of two dull youth in their spring.

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