
































内容简介:古老的暗黑大陆,人类苦苦挣扎在三魔神的邪恶野心之下,与天堂死守住世间的最后一片光明带着系统穿越到类似于暗黑破坏神游戏的异世里,方逸风会经历些什么?有着魔兽技能和英雄联盟装备的方逸风,又 将会在异世大陆上,掀起怎样的浪潮怀念一下最初的感动,爆出各种想要的装备时的感觉,这本书,你值得拥有郑重提示,本书属于慢热型,请耐心观看!)暗黑之我有系统书友交流群:(571553150)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《暗黑之我有系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78313 >>




内容简介:原名《被强制爱后我死遁了》文案:乔双泽前世被当做金丝雀一般囚禁起来,那个男人夜夜都要与他抵死缠绵。他受够了这种毫无自由的日子,最终死在了一个雪天,彻彻底底的离开了那个人。没想到一朝身死 ,竟是重生到一个不知名的傻子美人身上。除了美貌一无所有。关键是还有一个好色的中年男人看上了他。溜了溜了。没想到出了狼窝,又入虎口。男人一双眼阴鸷地盯着他,“乔双泽。”我艹,掉马了!你大爷的,此时不跑更待何时。结果非1w0-108403 >>


内容简介:21世纪的暗夜组织有个全能型杀手叫安雪棠,但她穿越了。穿越第一天就被卖给了一个残障人士当妻子,传闻那人不仅双腿残疾还凶残暴戾。可作为声控颜控的安雪棠一进门就被那人的声音和俊美的容貌蛊惑 住了。双腿残疾?没事,我能治。中毒活不过半年?没事,我能解。需要养个小包子?没事,我养的起。想要当摄政王?没事,我助你一臂之力。想要生个小1w17130-26853 >>


内容简介:《四分卫的小点心》正文完结番外更新中,,,作者:神农本草经。作者留言:让大家久等了。四分卫的正文到这里就算全部结束了。文章虽然不长,不过中间经历了石老师垂死、换窝、耍赖、肩周炎偏头痛各 种大小病,能够写完真是狗屎运咳咳,不对,应该说都是几位好朋友的支持鼓励,谢谢你们,谢谢每位为了看文还等忍受石老师废话的亲,我爱死你们了【亲】!1w0-72621 >>


内容简介:经历过末日绝望的黄明哲,重回高考那一年,继承神秘的学习系统,努力弥补曾经的遗憾,带领人类迈向未知的命运,而人类的未来将何去何从……在这娱乐至死的时代,或许需要一些理性;在这星空璀璨的宇 宙,有多少真理的信徒;如果没有科学的光芒,人类将万古如长夜。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超维科技纪元》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25286 >>


内容简介:每晚八点日更。下本开《枕边风月》当红女星X资本大佬,求个预收呀么么哒本文文案那天驾照考科四,考完哥哥说他有朋友在考场附近,顺路去接她。朋友来了,听说计迦楠拿了新鲜的小黑本,阔气地递上了 一把车钥匙,说给她练手。当天晚上,迈巴赫充京第一撞的消息肆虐满城,他们整个圈子差点笑没了,说他车子刚提三天,够慷慨,新手也敢借。计迦楠好几天没出门,直到那天深夜接到哥哥的电话,电话里传来的却是那把熟悉1w0-126648 >>


内容简介:被人丢弃于深山雪村中差点葬身狼口,却驯服狼群,以狼为伴,掌握一手神医术在雪山过得悠然自得。却不曾想好心救下陌生的男人竟然是赫赫有名的斐家大少爷,还被胁迫去他家帮他治病!?还要嫁给这个病 怏怏又傲娇的大少爷?!这下好了,卖艺又卖身。还好上天厚待,重遇了当初抛弃她的所谓“家人”们,终于有了伸张拳脚的机会。待她把所有的坏人都治理得服服帖帖窃窃自喜的时候,却忘了还有一位傲娇的斐大少爷。斐大少爷一边坏笑一边向前道:“宝贝,你真厉害,我病好了,可以开始了。”慕安晴装傻:“开始?开始啥?”【展开】【收起】1w0-73979 >>




内容简介:公人灭绝计划(nph)是由a大猫所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供公人灭绝计划(nph)最新章节阅读公人灭绝计划(nph)全文阅读公人灭绝计划(nph)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现公人灭 绝计划(nph)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-76657 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,变成一人之下龙虎山老天师的师姐,并且有了个聊天群,是什么感觉……从此天天签到打卡,水水群,冒冒泡ε(如题,算半个聊天群文,后期可能有走诸天,简介无力,请看正文,作者是个萌新, 请各位大佬手下留情)【剧情有点淡,有点小日常,小轻松,偶尔有点小起伏来调味】各位书友要是觉得《一人之我变成了老天师的师姐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-34338 >>


内容简介:  科技图书馆:科学的至高境,就是神学;  长生不老,飞天遁地,呼风唤雨,移山填海。这些神话传说,科学是可以实现的。想拿这些技术,必须拥有科技图书馆最高权限。  一次意外的救人,让陈默 收获了爱情,也获得收藏着无尽科技技术的科技图书馆,故事从此开始……  本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,请进交流群:439923657(蚁巢)1w0-611 >>

Vampire Juuji Kai - Fallen Vampire

Thousands of years ago, Vampire King Akabara 'Red Rose' Strauss lost both his kingdom and his queen. Since humans were unable to kill the queen, they sealed her away, erecting thousands of fake seals so that the king would never find her true location. Despite being pursued by relentless dhampires, Akabara continues to search for his queen to this day... Akabara's quest takes a sinister turn when an entity called the Black Swan appears. The Black Swan inhabits the body of a young human girl every 50 years, giving her the power to destroy the Vampire King and his queen. With each incarnation the Black Swan grows stronger--will the 49th Black Swan mean the end of Akabara?

Dragon Quest: The Adventure Of Dai

'A long time ago--there was a valiant swordsman who came to be known simply as 'the hero'. The people had been suffering at the hands of an evil demon. upon arriving, the hero challenged the demon to a battle...the hero and his companions combined their powers and brought the battle to a swift conclusion. The demon had been defeated! Thanks to them, the despicable monsters who were once controlled by the demon were freed from the demon's evil volitions. With no one around to cause trouble, the island became a quiet place where everyone could live together in peace.' On a remote island in the southern seas lives Dai, a shipwrecked boy who dreams of becoming a great hero. One day, the evil demon king is revived, so it's up to Dai and his friends to stop him and the evil force that revived him. Along the way, Dai discovers the identity of 'the hero', the truth behind the evil force who revived the demon king, and Dai's own hidden powers that surface in times of peril.

Warau Kyuuketsuki

Volume 1 : The Laughing Vampire. While a young boy, just resurrected as a vampire, commits acts of awful ferocity, the city around him shows all its perversion. The adults abuse of their power, the boys degenerate and use all the available means to achieve their goal to give vent to their low instincts. Whoever can't understand and make opposition is doomed to change or becoming crazy. So which is the real horror? The vampire who kills in order to feed himself or the crawling disease hidden in the society that slowly corrupts without being noticed? Volume 2 : Paradise. Following the events narrated in the first volume, Luna and Konosuke are now living together with the old woman vampire as fellows, as lovers, in a diabolic innocence, killing to quench their thirst for blood, joining death and love under the dream of the eternal youth. Meanwhile a young boy, named Makoto, is looking for his lost sister Miko, who disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances. But what has really happened to that girl who liked eating grubs and dreamed to become on of them? And is someone really hiding a terrible secret? The paths of all the characters will dramatically collide, bringing unexpected consequences after the things are gradually revealed. A story suspended between weirdness and decadence, showing a clear nostalgia for the German cinematography and Federico Fellini, where the blood is used to trace a great and only apparent amoral story.

Kitsune No Akuma To Kuroi Madousho

Narrates the story of Kyuuki, a strong, proud fox demon who recently woke up and needs a host and Kamishiro Shin, a normal would be high school student if it wouldn't for 'his ability' and for the fact that he got a hold of the black Grimoire that controls Kyuuki's existence. Shin is bound to the book as long as he is alive, thus not only he can't sever his connection to Kyuuki; but those who want the book's power are bound to come after his hide regardless of time and place.

Tom Swift and His Air Glider

Tom Swift and His Air Glider summary: Tom Swift and His Air Glider summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tom Swift and His Air Glider. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Keeping The Feast

Keeping The Feast summary: Keeping The Feast summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Keeping The Feast. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The History of Mary Prince

The History of Mary Prince summary: The History of Mary Prince summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Mary Prince. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Ruby Knight

The Ruby Knight summary: The Ruby Knight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Ruby Knight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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