
































内容简介:  【正文已完结,番外更新ing,强推自己新书《快穿成大佬的心尖宠》,超甜师徒联手虐渣渣!】【1V1甜宠虐渣爽文,伪兄妹】  彤素每个界面都穿成了大BOSS的养妹、继妹、师妹……只想抱 紧哥哥大腿,完成虐渣任务,获得重生复仇的机会。然而,那个大BOSS,怎么看她的眼神不太对?  某人淡淡抬眸:“我不缺妹妹,只缺个媳妇儿。”彤素:!!!  女主归来,渣男贱女们,做好被虐的准备了吗?1w0-4278 >>


内容简介:【不坑,放心入】文案废,将就看。文案:乖戾顽劣,桀骜不驯的陆家小少爷的前女友回国了,还成了他的经纪人。当年无故被甩,陆择野咽不下这口气,高冷男神的逼装得十分到位。但陆择野发现桑烟看他的 眼神却越来越不对劲,撩他、逗他,还对他笑,甚至暗戳戳地给他塞房卡!贵圈都好奇小少爷跟前女友怎么样了,陆择野得意地抿着酒,笑着炫耀,“桑烟想跟我复合,我没搭理她。”桑烟气质高贵冷艳,一身旗袍风情万种,圈内顶尖1w0-90905 >>


内容简介:现代天才法医唐棠,穿成古代纨绔嫡小姐。原主人品恶劣,三观不正,树敌无数,还是个大花痴,没事,人品可以攒,三观可以扶,敌人可以除,至于那天下第一美王爷咱也没兴趣。披上咱的小马甲,一心一意 搞事业,验尸破案咱最行,一朝马甲掉了地,王妃从此靠破案,轰动全京城。天下第一美王爷:“本王女人,就是了不起。”唐棠:“你不去夺皇位,1w0-37483 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者心有所安的经典小说:《星空求生:我有天宫空间站》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说开局一座简陋低级的空间站基地,没有任何食物和水,收集资源,才 能活下去!除此之外,星空中还有无数未知危险!必须不断强化升级自己的空间站,才能活到最后!24小时后,太阳耀光辐射来袭!72小时后,宇宙尘埃风暴来袭!红色警告!监测到有无数星空怪兽朝您的空间站袭来!林夜懒洋洋地喝了口快乐肥宅水,大手一挥:“什么土鸡瓦狗也敢袭击我家天宫空间站?”“星空航母编队听令,全军出击!!!”1w0-76750 >>


内容简介:  谁说没有丹药就不能精进?谁说不会炼器就没有神兵?谁说挫于制符就没有战斗力?  所谓一剑破万法,在于信心。。。当危险来临,你唯一的依靠只有剑,而不是其他。。。  全订群号--9642 27244,普通群号8533361181w0-306 >>


内容简介:(本文荣获成都市首届金熊猫网络小说大赛第一名)他是我国历史上第一位真正的皇帝,比秦始皇还早了2000年;她是称霸西南的鱼凫国女王,骑着双头蛇游历天下。亡命天涯,只如一场度假!地球上,只 能有一位共主,唯有权势相当者,方有资格相爱相杀。Ps下面进入正式版简介:不周山不是一座山,它是上古宇宙大联盟的天空母舰!大禹王之子夏后启打造的九鼎是九艘航空1w0-74653 >>


内容简介:摄政王,你家王妃又退婚了简介:简介:一夜之间,大将军府林家,满门被灭,摄政王妃林清羽,赐白绫。到死,他才明白,什么喜欢、对他好,都是假的,楚翊川娶他,不过是让林家放心交出兵权,而后斩草 除根,好让幼帝稳坐江山,楚家天下再无后顾之忧。没想到,再睁眼,他竟然回到了还未和楚翊川成婚之前,重活一世,他绝不会重蹈覆辙,兵权,他林家不交;摄政王妃,他不做;这婚,必须退!“楚翊川,我要退婚!”“退婚,你想都别想!”(双重生宠文,1V1双洁)1w0-127776 >>


内容简介:  一不小心穿成重生文里的渣男亲妹?注定满门抄斩,全家死绝?还非酋附体,出门雷劈?乔乐笑了,别慌,小问题! 那年各路百姓发家致富:“郡主天仙下凡,女神转世,吾等都欲与她有 缘!”也是那年,武林高手层出不穷:“郡主稀世奇才,手眼通天,我等愿追随左右!”还是那年,商贾巨富竞相登门:“仙子殿下,这缘分轮到我们了吗?” 对此,冰山反派妹控世子爷双眼含煞:“你们,想死?” 众人:溜了溜了 可世子爷没想到,他日防夜防,总有小王八蛋难防 …… 君王府小王爷,天昭出了名的小王八蛋。 喝最烈的酒,打最狠的仗,纵最野的马,可谓无法无天。 但某天起,他魔怔了。 君晏:“乐儿钟情于我。” 乔乐:“我没有……” 君晏:“乐儿所做的一切都是为了接近我。” 乔乐:“我真没有……” 作为一个能看到别人机缘,只想疯狂割韭菜保命的非酋女配。 乔乐发现她一不小心用力过猛,给男主割歪了……1w0-1894 >>


内容简介:平平无奇是大多数人的常态,亦有一部分连常态都达不到~小城少年,貌丑自卑,亲友不喜,成绩平平……这一切的改变从去往大学火车的一道光束说起,少年由此绑定了高品质男神系统。日子自是越来越有盼 头,系统是真滴香:只要学习,就可以修改自身bug;只要做好事,就可以获得相应钞票奖励;只要被赞美,就可以获得相关天赋加持;……这,很难不爱,好吧!各位书友要是觉得《开局绑定:高品质男神系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84745 >>




内容简介:一部少帅夫人成长史,看外科女医生如何攻略冷面少帅。一个骄纵跋扈缺根筋的大小姐被害死了,21世纪外科女神医陆早早穿越而来,她医术高超,心灵剔透,面对公婆不亲,丈夫不爱,还有各路虎视耽耽的 姨太太,仅凭一把小小手术刀在督军府里踩绿茶,踹心机,人生开挂所向披靡。视她如蚊蝇的少帅丈夫,成了她的随身挂件。她狠狠一眼瞪过去:“少帅不是要休妻吗?”他粘她更紧:“我确实要修理修理你。”玩世不恭的少主甘愿做她小弟,招之即来挥之即去,死皮赖脸拽着她的衣襟求赏脸。1w0-33544 >>




The protagonist Kairi, is a boy who works with the OIL stand. One day, Kairi finishes work, he encounters the girl called “Tia” who had a big sword. 'Tia' had to search for her older brother whose the owner of the sword.

Real Purple

From NOIR: This is the story of two siblings, Joo-won and Hee-won, and one man determined to take Hee-won's heart. Both of Joo-won and Hee-won feel isolated after their parents separate due to infidelity and remarry, placing both of them in new families. However, Hee-won's new step brother,Min-hyuk, notices Hee-won's suffering. Is he determined to take care of her, or is there something more?


A couple of high school pupils, Masaru Kato and Kei Kurono, are hit with a subway train in a effort to save the life span of a drunk homeless guy who'd fallen onto the tracks. Following their deaths, Kato and Kurono find themselves transported to the inside of an unfurnished Tokyo flat, where they meet with a Gantz expert Joichiro Nishi, as well as other clueless players. The pair soon understands that they're prohibited to depart the flat. At one end of the room there's a sizable black sphere called 'Gantz'. Characters in Gantz Manga After some time in the area, the Gantz world opens up, showing wires attached to his head and a hairless nude guy using a breathing mask, and different weapons to allow them to use. Included in these are the custom fitting black suits which give them superhuman speed, strength, stamina and damage resistance, a control which functions as a stealth and radar unit, Xgun, X Shotgun, Y-Firearm. Later on the show the Gantz sword, Gantz Bike are manufactured much more powerful at the same time as accessible weapons are given in the 100 point menu.   Brief info and a picture is revealed of a few of the Gantz' objectives; Gantz orders them to go and kill them. Except for one assignment, every one of the goals are aliens living on Earth, which take on a wide selection of types. During the mission, individuals that are ordinary cannot view the extraterrestrial beings or the players. Them transport to the part of the assignment, and they can't return or leave until all of the enemies are killed, or the time limit has run out. Each person is given points for the aliens they've killed, when they survive an effective mission. The menu offers three choices:   Alternative 1: The participant can go back to their regular life, never having to be summoned by Gantz again. As a cost, their memories of the assignments as well as Gantz will be erased. Alternative 2: The participant gets a unique and incredibly-powerful weapon. Alternative 3: The participant can restore a person that has died during a mission from Gantz' recollection. Points are tallied up following an assignment was finished, do and the players are permitted to leave as they see fit until their next mission, together with the exception of talking about Gantz which would lead with their heads bursting. During the third mission of Kato and Kurono, every one of the participants including Kato are killed, however the last leader giving a chance to live to Kurono is killed by Kato. Kurono survives the third mission bleeding on the ground along with his limbs cut. Following the next assignment inside embracing a hero, leader complex similar to Kato Kurono begins to transform. Kurono participates together with the goal of restoring his dead friends using the 100 point compensation choice as the show continues. A fresh team of Gantz players is gathered, which Kurono leads, as among the greatest combatants plus the most seasoned veteran. Through his interactions with all the other members of his life or death conflicts and the team, Kurono slowly develops into a leader that is responsible. Following the Oni assignment Kurono revives Kato, and shortly after Kurono meets his death from the vampires. As the show continues, the rules of the assignments change; regular folks can now see them, the aliens they face are increasingly more strong and dangerous, plus they participate in a mission with another Gantz team from Osaka. Kato becomes the center of his search to restore Kurono and attention in the manga. By the end of the assignment, Kato that is just like the initial time expired, he gets the better of arguably the most powerful alien in the show and is set bleeding on the ground going to expire.   After several assignments, an old player named Nishi, who understands more in relation to the others about how Gantz works, reveals them a 'catastrophe countdown' on the Gantz world that the other players were unaware of. By the end of the week, the Earth is invaded by a huge alien force and starts exterminating the human race, while their utmost tries to use Gantz' innovative technology and weapons in defense. It's suggested that Nishi expired, but his departure seems to not be clear. In his area Eeva totally controls all Gantz teams prior to the statement by killing most of the hunters, giving an expression of the mortality to the human race. Kurono that will be air to the whole world is called on by the world, and having the help of a revived Kato, Kurono gambles all his potential for winning and saving the human race on himself. Kurono manages to overcome the alien mothership stops from destroying Earth. The collection finishes with Kato and Kurono being greeted as heroes and returning safely to Earth. Other manga: + Monster Soul manga + Inuyasha manga

Paperweight Eye

From AQUA Scans: Marie is a shy college student and also a doll maker. Then one day, she is trapped in a gothic mansion by a mysterious young man calling himself 'Kahrel.' Kahrel demands that she 'Creates the 'people' that make up the world' for him if she wants to leave. The terrified Marie then has the dolls she's made in past come to life, and are bearing down on her! Gothic Doll Fantasy!!

Books and Persons; Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911

Books and Persons; Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911 summary: Books and Persons; Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Books and Persons; Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Transall Saga

The Transall Saga summary: The Transall Saga summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Transall Saga. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Great Ghost Stories

Great Ghost Stories summary: Great Ghost Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Ghost Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan

Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan summary: Once upon a time, a boy was referred to as a “War Hero.”
In another world called Aletia, the boy who had saved the Lost Kingdom, conquered their neighbouring countries, and led to the rise of a grand empire decided to throw everything away, returning to the modern era at the cost of his memories.
As three years pa.s.sed, the boy who was happily enjoying his daily life was once again called back to the other world.
However, what awaited him was the Aletia of 1000 years in the future.
As his past glories became a “myth,” the legend of the youth referred to as the, “Twin Black Hero King,” begins.
This WN was Discontinued for LN

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