


























夜行者起源故事的最终章。 这是一个你不能错过的故事。你以为你已经熟知可爱的蓝色小魔鬼是如何来到这个混乱世界的?你以为你已经通晓他那爱说谎的妈妈魔形女的故事?先别急着下定论。这对母子将在这个不守常规的故事中重聚,揭露隐藏了几十年的秘密。这个故事将永远重新定义这两名角色。


简介醉酒的年小小从好友那里得知男友出轨,冲入酒店决定寻找渣男,偶遇被对手下药的男主。失身?重遇?面对霸道总裁年小小该如何应对?! 每周二、周四、周六连更三天




内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】宴兮是燕栖最讨厌的女明星,没有之一。这个十八线白莲花不仅天天捆绑倒贴她的男神傅子尘炒绯闻,还和自己名字同音。然而一次意外,醒来后的她变成了宴 兮这朵白莲花本花,才知道娱乐圈水有多深。宴兮捆绑倒贴?狗屁!明明是渣男傅子尘求爱不成贼喊捉贼!宴兮不仅已婚,她隐婚老公还是傅子尘对家,当红影帝季修北!某日,宴兮收工回家,看着已经做好饭的季修北,突然心生愧疚:“老公,如果我做过对不起你的事,你会怪我么?”季修北挑眉:“比如?”宴兮心道:比如,在我还是燕栖的时候,为了傅子尘天天去你微博下冷嘲热讽……不等她答,季修北说:“无论什么,肉偿就行。”想起昨晚的激烈战况,宴兮腿不自觉发抖,求生欲使她闭嘴装死!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生小甜妻:老公,缠上瘾》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27532 >>


内容简介:  夏景行在弥留之际,回忆起那个踏上异国他乡的年轻背影。他当时想啊,如果岁月可以重来,自己绝对不会辜负这水大鱼大的激荡二十年。念念不忘,必有回响。重返十八岁的他,唱起了:我还是从前那个 少年……PS:书友群号:928787446PS:已有200万字完本作品《决胜新金融时代》,人品保障,请放心阅读。1w0-1802 >>


内容简介:  新书《被重生影后盯上了怎么办》求收藏~~(???)?一觉醒来,夜芷瑶发现自己成为了一名婴儿,还是到了一个飞天遁地、光怪陆离的修仙世界,穿成了一个有资源有背景的修二代。夜芷瑶立志要好 好修练飞升仙界,直到某一天发现自己竟然穿成了一本穿越小说中,活不过金丹的作死女配?她的目标本是远离女主活下去,保护夜家。谁知到了后来……嗯?女主竟然成了她的小姐妹?(排雷:本文有男主,存在感比较低,出现时间比较晚。女主就是一个普通人穿越,不是特工也不是杀手,不会特别牛逼哄哄。这就是一篇普通人穿书努力修炼的成长史,不喜勿入。)1w0-749 >>


内容简介:特工军医顾知鸢,意外穿越成顾家名声最臭的三小姐身上,还好死不死的,稀里糊涂嫁给了阴冷的昭王!渣男求复合?给你杯毒酒让你连渣都不剩!绿茶撬墙角?给你点硫酸把你的茶味都给你泡干净!明里暗里 动手脚?就这?这都是本王妃玩剩下的!接断手,医断腿。活死人,肉白骨。阴谋诡谲之中,她的医术谋略,无人左右!凭借着一双圣手,翻云覆雨,拯救苍生。只是这冰冷王爷怎么忽然开启了恋爱脑?1w19115-25319 >>


内容简介:重生:与同桌胖女孩一起逆袭人到中年的唐泽是很多女人眼中的钻石王老五,型男大叔。一次醉酒后穿越平行时空,成为了一个油腻的肥胖高中生,同桌宋雅也是一个胖女孩,两人被称为班上的唐宋两大胖。有 着1w0-81108 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原神:开局娶了天权凝光】(本书也很适合非原神玩家入坑,欢迎来到我的提瓦特大陆。)本来只是想抽个凝光而已,没想到一发入魂,把自己抽到了提瓦特大陆。钟离神之心白给 ,莫名其妙就继承了岩神之位?阴差阳错娶了大陆第一白富美天权凝光……当了一辈子非酋的自己,竟然也有这么走运的时候吗!等等,这个抽卡系统是什么情况?“叮,恭喜获得一星材料,史莱姆凝液”“叮,恭喜获得五星天赋,永不休止”“叮,恭喜获得五星技能,风神之歌”“叮,恭喜获得五星武器,狼的末路”“叮,您的原石不足,请尽快完成系统任务……”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢原神:开局娶了天权凝光,别忘记分享给朋友原神:开局娶了天权凝光TXT下载1w0-70060 >>






内容简介:绝代天骄:我才情盖世,举目无敌,惊艳了一个时代。申凯:可惜,我氪出一把岁月天刀,擅斩天赋根基。世界意识:吾布局万古,视苍生如蝼蚁,今日天灭众生。申凯:额,貌似刚氪到一把盘古开天斧,专业 蹦碎天道。彼岸强者:世间如苦海,本座一心超脱,今成无上境界。申凯:恩,阁下很努力,不巧氪到无量混沌海,所以你还是再多游一段日子吧。主神:吾至高无上,整个多元宇宙,任吾军团征服侵略。申凯:有趣,接我形上之剑,但凡存在,一剑删除。系统持有者:我等遍及诸天万界,信息深度无人能及。申凯:不好意思,三相图在手,你的一切,都在我设定之下。站在无数世界观之上,申凯表示,没有什么是一次氪命不能解决的,如果有,那就多氪几次。1w0-77345 >>




内容简介:容伽过了十辈子,经历十世情伤,才在一个系统口中知道自己不过是十本书里的苦情男二。身为男二,他不配拥有爱情。没有爱情的同时,他还为别人做嫁衣,永远都是别人的垫脚石。容伽看了书后对系统说书 里的主角不应1w0-76985 >>


内容简介:王未初,一个一看就很敷衍炮灰路人甲的名字,他的人生也的确很炮灰,他被父亲从山村接回家,第一件事就是嫁入豪门做男妻,他的丈夫程先生英俊潇洒,年少有为,他仰望且爱慕着程先生。然而全城都知道 程先生心有白月光,追求数年求不得,而他连白月光的百分之一也不及。直到家宴上,王未初见到了白月光岑尧,这位矜贵优雅、冷漠不可亲近的白月光,在桌下勾了勾他的腿快穿,文案只是第一个世界的概括,自割腿肉,全文一个套路,受被白月光攻救赎、治愈。狗血狗血苏爽甜,加粗标注。白月光才是漂亮大猛1别站错了各位书友要是觉得《渣攻的白月光和我HE了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30997 >>

Ginga Densetsu Riki

Riki, the grandfather of Weed and father of Gin, was born a runt. He was fathered by Shiro and mothered by Yamabuki. Shiro`s owner, Gohei, pays no attention to Riki when he comes to pick a pup from the litter. Instead, Riki is never rehomed and becomes close to his mother. Unfortunately, Yamabuki`s true owner, who had been sick, was healthy enough to take her back. She didn`t feel she could handle two dogs, and decided that he would not take Riki in. Riki severely missed his mother, and one day set out to meet her. On his way, he is attacked by a pack of dogs. Hopelessly outnumbered, Riki tries to escape and falls into a river. Waking up, he learns that his father, Shiro, has rescued him. Riki had never seen his father, but had known his name. Shiro, on the other hand, didn`t know that Riki was his son and left before Riki could say anything. But, not before giving him a speech on being strong. Riki makes it his goal and constantly tries to get stronger. One day, a child named Daisuke takes a toy car (one children can ride in) through a roaded mountain pass with an incline. Riki, while traveling to see his mother, notices him racing down. A truck, not seeing Daisuke, hits the boy and sends him flying over the road railing. Afraid that he is dead, the driver moves on. Daisuke, although only bruised, is knocked out. Riki jumps onto a ledge and howls, hopeing someone would hear. Instead, the pack that attacked him heard him and came. After being abused, the pack came to hate humans and attacked Daisuke. Riki, in an effort to save him, fought against the dogs and succeeded in winning. Gohei and Shiro eventually showed up, and the pack ran off. Shiro finally found out that Riki was his son. Gohei, Shiro, and a few others head out to fight Akakabuto. Seeing this, Riki follows the van. Gohei intends to kill Akakabuto, but the bear is too strong. Gohei shot the bear in the eye, and the bullet became lodged in the beast`s brain. This made him go insane and, while biting Shiro, fall over a cliff. Riki witnessed all this, and was distraught when his father fell. These events set the stage for the future series, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.

Otonage (Kano Shiuko)

Sequel to Kawaige Continuing story of a tempestuous relationship between Nakano Shunji and Yasushi 'Yasu' Mejiro whose story begins in Kawaige. 1) Otonage Shunji and Yasushi have been cohabiting for a month and Yasushi is head over heels for Shunji, an excellent home-maker in and out of the bedroom, despite his grumpy disposition. (Continuing story of a tempestuous relationship between Nakano Shunji and Yasushi Mejiro whose story begins in Kawaige.) 2) Otonage 2 (Initial Stage) Yasushi's ex-lover/cousin reappears and tries to get in between Yasushi and Shunji, causing Shunji uncertainty over their relationship. Other the other hand, Yasushi is worried that Shunji might still be holding a torch for Kousei and it is driving him crazy. 3) Otonage 2 (Final Stage) Kanako's pregnancy is causing a big chasm in their relationship. 4) Otonage 3 Their tempestuous relationship has finally calmed down but Yasushi is down with German Measles! While Shunji has to work without Yasushi, he meets the son of his ex-probabtion officer. ~~~~~~~~ Note ~ Play Boy Blues, Gaten na aitsu, Kawaige, Stepping Stone, Punch Up! and Otonage are loosely connected.

Yoru To Yakusoku

Yoshino Shinya is a high school boy who is bullied all the time at school, which leads him to have no friends. However, no one knows that he is actually half-youkai, and due to that, he has the desire to eat human flesh. But because of the promise he made with his youkai father never to prey on humans, Shinya tries to resist his youkai blood that is thirsty for human's blood, and live as a normal high school student. Will he be able to keep the promise he made with his father and keep his secret hidden?


1-2) Raphael Raphael is a young man with a tragic story. Ever since the loss of his mother at the age of 12, his only refuge has been his music. Now, at the age of 16, Raphael finds himself in love with the mysterious and handsome Leonard, but their love may be impossible. Can Raphael confront his father and follow his dream to become a reputed musician? And will he stay faithful to his feelings when he learns the truth about Leonard? 3) Akesuzume ~ Red Sparrow 4) Otentousama no iu touri! ~ Whatever God says! 5) Dare ga sodefuri ran ~ Who has a sleeve appearance 6) Sakura, uzumi ~ Cherry blossom, surrounds 7) Gekka ~ Moon Flower

Never Marry A Cowboy

Never Marry A Cowboy summary: Never Marry A Cowboy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Never Marry A Cowboy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ashes - D Day In The Ashes

Ashes - D Day In The Ashes summary: Ashes - D Day In The Ashes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ashes - D Day In The Ashes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation

Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation summary: Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Jack Hamlin's Mediation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Cat Sense

Cat Sense summary: Cat Sense summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cat Sense. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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