




类别都市 恋爱 总裁














简介【每周四更新】在没有遇到柯明轩之前,边老大酷炫狂霸拽,走路带风。纵然没有柯明轩,想必他也会继续活得开心快乐。 可惜偏偏遇到柯明轩,让他遭遇了人生中最大的皮肉之痛。续集《论一个厨子的撸猫修养》同步更新(改编自长佩文学网《秋以为期》,原著桃千岁)








类别都市 恋爱




类别悬疑 悬疑、惊悚


内容简介:和直男总裁结婚后蒋游小时候被人贩子拐卖,逃出来后流落福利院,在晏氏集团的资助下完成学业。大四的某一天,他被长康制药的总裁贺长康和二少爷贺年找到了。贺长康:“儿子!我苦命的儿子!1w0- 78424 >>


内容简介: 阮明姿一睁眼,发现自己穿越成了家徒四壁的农家贫女。 爹娘早逝,爷奶不慈,亲戚虎视眈眈,还有个瘦弱的哑巴幼妹。 打断贪婪亲戚伸过来吃绝户的手,开 铺子带动全村一起发家致富,想要占她便宜的,统统被她都扫走。 一时赚钱一时爽,一直赚钱一直爽!谁不喊她一声“阮半城”? 然而捡回来的那个容貌绝世的男人,冷淡寡言,漠然无情,却偏偏对她不依不饶:跟孤走,孤的一切都给你。 阮明姿巧笑嫣然:你哪位?1w0-3619 >>


内容简介:《快穿男主的黑化值又爆了》简介:秦亿依靠自己的十个梦境写了十本书之后爆红,赚了个盆满体钵的她打算出个国旅游一下,带着世界那么大,她还没去看过的美好期望登上飞机的时候。然而她怎么都没想到 好端端的飞机居然整了一个事故出来失去意识后,她本以为自己就这么完了。但是没想到她一醒来就到了一个黑漆漆的空间里。空间里有一个小人儿,他告诉她,他叫系统,是维持小说世界的系统,而她写的那十个小说世界全崩了。一脸懵的她看着这十个世界统统变成了修罗场,男主黑化成了极度狡诈残忍的人,女主要么和男配来搞死男主,要么窜动原本的大反派来搞死男主看完了这一团糟的剧情的秦亿:为了不让这十个世界崩掉,她只能去各个世界阻止女主的阴谋,保护男主,换女主。俗话说,就是亲自上线把自己书的剧情改了!于是她兢兢业业把十个剧情全部改完的时候,却发现男主黑化得更严重了1V1,男主都是同一个人,放心磕糖,又爽又甜,微虐修罗场。1w0-72715 >>




内容简介:  蝉联三届的影后身患绝症魂归地府,不想被地府硬塞进一堆书里去消除众多炮灰的怨气,于是炮灰们都开始飘了……为啥这些死得不能再惨的炮灰都和我一个名?楚念纳闷。总觉得炮灰还不够惨烈!不够解 气!他执笔纠结。地府里的阎王和判官感觉日子越来越难过:我们就是些小人物,求放过!最终,找到真相的楚念表示:我不是女魔头,就只想放飞自我,但绝不允许你放飞自我!注:这不是爱情故事,无CP!1w0-2996 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原神:蒙德的未来骑士】我叫苏米洛是蒙德的未来骑士,现在正在为十个木桩而烦恼,请问有那位大佬可以为在下演示,如何毁坏十个木桩?只要木装备同时摧毁,苏米洛就可以获 得那位大佬相对应元素战技和元素力。“坚冰断绝深仇!”“听凭风引!”“大扫除!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-99522 >>


内容简介:3万字上榜前,暂定隔日更。顶流偶像季沅辰左腹上有一个火焰纹身,野性禁欲。粉丝表示摸一下死都愿意。某大型颁奖典礼结束。后台,有工作人员发现表演嘉宾孟星也右腹上的贴纸翘起一个角,自作主张给 撕了――女孩紧实纤细的小腰上,一条银河状纹身猝然出现在众人视野里。孟星也慌乱去遮。人群之外,季沅辰将一切尽收眼底。不顾众人诧异目光,他缓步走到女孩面前,将她拽进一旁的更衣室。被随手关上的门,久久未开。更衣室内。男人抚着女孩的纹身哑声逼问“不是说不喜欢,这是什么”孟星也仰脸看他,笑得像只妖孽“现在喜欢了,不可以吗”季沅辰低头吻上她唇“可以。”后来。孟星也的万人演唱会现场,季沅辰作为特邀嘉宾。时隔两年,两人再度演唱他们的合作曲策反。贴身互动,全场沸腾。一首歌结束――粉丝刷到季沅辰的官宣微博星河滚烫,荣幸至极孟星也顶流全能型偶像vs才华横溢可盐可甜女团c位我愿披荆斩棘,只为往后能所向披靡,与你星河滚烫。各位书友要是觉得《星河滚烫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-46812 >>


内容简介:【种田美食虐渣打脸萌宝】一只炸鸡带来新人生,这谁想得到。一根鸡骨头就能一波带走苏灵溪。穿越也不怕,靠着一身做美食博主的本事,还能在古代饿死?酿酒做菜炸鸡汉堡外卖配送样样都跑不了一个身负 血海深仇逃至此地的将军之子。一个穿越就差点被卖的孤女。命运牵连兜兜转转前期苏灵溪:你养家我当家?穆逸舟:。。。(这姑娘怎的这般不正经)后期苏灵溪:你给我正经一点!穆逸舟:(抱1w0-58586 >>


内容简介:简介:一次意外,苏澈重回高中时代!再次见到了前世遗憾终生的白月光女孩。——十年后。沈奈希打开日记本。一:“今天碰到了一个奇怪的男生,一上来就找我要企鹅。哼,我才不给呢,男人都是大猪蹄子 !”二:“今天我感冒了,他偷偷在我课桌里塞了感冒药,他好像没我想象中那么坏……”三:“下雪了,我们一起淋过雪,算不算一起白了头。1w0-89463 >>


内容简介:日更,偶尔双更,0点前更新系统告知,苏韶棠穿书了,穿的就是她睡前看的那本外室上位的小说不幸的是,她穿成了男主的原配,恪守本分和规矩,矜矜业业地替男主主持中馈,结果男主就被外面的女人勾住 了魂系统你1w0-128561 >>


内容简介:宁天穿越到平行世界的龙国,这里的历史有着极大的断层。为了探寻那段缺失的历史,一款黑科技产品,灵魂全息影像头盔随之问世。带上灵魂全息影像头盔的人,都能够通过头盔将画面投放出来。“我的前世 竟然是一位将军?”“我的前世竟然是一位富商?”然而当宁天带上灵魂全息影像头盔后,画面却是一个比一个震撼。。“以铜为鉴可以正衣冠以人为鉴可以明得1w0-65166 >>



Hero Shigan

Ever since he was a child, Tachibana Hideo has wanted to become a superhero like in the TV shows he watched. After he graduated from high school, he got into the Kantou Films School to chase this dream. In the summer beforehand, he managed to get a part-time job as a costumed villain for a 'Crashman' heroes live show. Unfortunately, he got a little too into it, kicked the heroic 'Crash Pink' in the face, and got himself fired. As he later discovered, Crash Pink was his future classmate and aspiring actress, Mutou Sakurako! Livid that he'd dare damage her precious face, she insisted that he make up for the injury, mostly by putting up with her constant efforts to torment him. But as they spend time together, could something much sweeter than mutual annoyance be growing between them?

Hari No Katana To Goki No Fune

From Wasurenagusa: A shounen-ai version of the Issun-boushi story. Heikuroo is only as big as a human hand and only in the light of the moon he can gain the normal height. Because people think he is cursed, he leaves his village and goes to the capital, where he becomes a guardian of an aristocrat named Kotohira...

Strings Dolls

One day, Shiro and his little sister, Koyori, who has been permanently crippled after an accident, download a peculiar game called 'Strings Dolls.' Whenever you have someone in your camera screen, the game allows you to move them around like a puppet. Shiro and Koyori are filled with joyl to realize that this magical game can, at least temporarily, restore her ability to walk! Other people, however, use it for much less noble purposes. Among the others who have downloaded the game is a mysterious player called Miyabi, who appears to be using the game to kill off his fellow players. Will Shiro be able to track down who is behind this game, and find the murderous Miyabi before it's too late?

Shirokuro Tsukeru?

Eight years ago, Mio, the princess of the White Kingdom, and Sakuya, the second prince of the Dark Kingdom, became friends when she got lost in the forest and Sakuya helped her. They were friends until one day, three years ago, she was sucked into a hole and went missing, and Sakuya is determined to find her. In the three years since her disappearance, he became friends with her older brother, Rui, the second prince of the White Kingdom, even though their two kingdoms don't get along. One day, while joking around, a hole opened up in the sky and a girl fell out of it. Sakuya had dreamed this would happen, but who is this girl and why did she fall into heaven?!

Music, and Other Poems

Music, and Other Poems summary: Music, and Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Music, and Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hornblower - Hornblower's Charitable Offering

Hornblower - Hornblower's Charitable Offering summary: Hornblower - Hornblower's Charitable Offering summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hornblower - Hornblower's Charitable Offering. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nano Mashin

Nano Mashin summary: Until the time of him becoming the master of the lowest rank in the order of rankings, the lonely side of his life without luck was changed. One day suddenly, a future descendant injected him with a nano machine, and the machine started ‘speaking’ to him. [I am seventh generation Nano Machine manufactured by the Sky Cooperation, and I am operating as central nerve connected to your brain.] “What? What are you talking about?” This was beyond the boy’s knowledge, so he turned pale and asked. The Nano Machine linked to his cerebrum realized the User was not understanding a single word it said. “Who are you, and why are you doing this to me?” [“I am seventh generation Nano Machine.] “Nano Mashin?” [Yes, Nano Machine.] The boy’s face got hardened. Mashin was deity the Mashin Religion worshipped, along with the Sacred Fire. The Master of the Mashin Religion’s role was to communicate with Mashin. “Um, are you really Mashin?” The boy knelt down and asked with trembling voice. At this, the Nano Machine attached to his cerebrum realized he had misunderstood it.

Willis's Current Notes

Willis's Current Notes summary: Willis's Current Notes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Willis's Current Notes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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