



神医弃女 老版

类别恋爱 古风




















类别热血 玄幻 励志




简介【每周五更新】从小五音不全的卢思思因为结缘古代皇家歌姬之首云音歌仙而变得唱歌技能爆表,由此被好友推荐进入Pink Idol 女团,在女团生活中,卢思思由不被其他团员接受一步步晋级至C位,并带领大家将Pink Idol做成国内顶级女子组合……




内容简介:洛依然少年时一个错误的决定,让他们之间多了许多隔阂。他在外招蜂引蝶,她常驻酒吧舞厅引他注意。她以激怒他为兴趣,以伤害自己为必要条件。“洛依然,这辈子你都别想再爬上我的床。”那是他对她说 的最狠的一句话,却又在顷刻间被她破解。她了解他的一切,他亦无法控制自己不去想她。“谭洛轩,瞧,没有你我依旧可以过得很好。”她笑魇如花,对他微微一笑,却不知他内心煎熬伤痛。他们成了豪门纷争下的牺牲品,却一直坚守着自己最初的那份爱情,究竟孰是孰非,早已是说不清道不明。1w0-95990 >>


内容简介:通知:今晚我去更新隔壁的《医手》啦,明天过来,应该日更。想做你的牙齿,我难受的时候,有你疼。我起先是你的病人,后来成为你的学生,最后,做了你的太太。我的最初和最终,都将有你,贯穿始终。 高冷腹黑牙医徐1w0-58252 >>




内容简介:我不想流氓,但我又不能不流氓。我因女人而要强悍,因强悍而要女人。陈天明,本来一个有点小小流氓的老师,但因为有一次被传奇中的宝物血黄蚁咬到了不应该咬的地方,身体发生了变化;而且天缘巧合地 修练了玄门中被誉为“男女双修之王”的香波功,面对书友分享最新章节:后记喜欢本书,请支持作者,点击页面右边的分享按钮,分享一下吧!提醒:读书三件事-收藏、推荐、分享!1w0-66218 >>


内容简介:苏明妩本该嫁进东宫,和青梅竹马的太子举案齐眉,然而花轿交错,她被抬进了同日成婚的雍凉王府中。恨了符栾半辈子,住在王府偏院瓦房,死前才知策划错嫁的人是她的心头朱砂白月光。一朝重生,苏明妩 重生在了洞房翌日。好巧不巧,她正以死相逼,要喝避子汤药……1w0-4048 >>


内容简介:  徽派皖韵与摩天大厦交相辉映,唐汉阙楼和机械科幻点缀其间。...............各种飞梭在城市里徜徉,无数修士在天空中翱翔,有似画中仙子,不染人间烟火的佳人,也有温润如玉,宛 若陌上公子的青俊。...............少年的传说才刚刚开始,我自天外而来,君临苍天万域。...............1w0-2947 >>


内容简介:  带着吃不完的二斤牛肉来到1980年,海王没有再次下海,转身做起了人民教师。渣男本不渣,他也想成家。上本入了精品的小说没有写好,这本已经酝酿半年,定当努力讲一个好故事。群号33506 84791w0-3570 >>


内容简介:什什麽?我正迷糊著时,没发觉自己已经被美人店长抱坐在了了书桌上。并且美人店长很暧昧的站立在我的两腿间。本来热裤就短,这样腿被一分,热裤更是被往上拉险些PP也包不住。我们家是在一个老社区 ,隔著郁郁葱葱的大树外面就是闹市区。我拐进绿树成荫的小巷准备回家了。突然这时一个身影从我前方左边草丛钻进了右边草丛。黄鼠狼?话说在许多年前我们社区还未被闹市区包围初,这里的确会有黄鼠狼的身影,可如今?我摇摇头否定了这一猜测,难道是猫?可这速度也太快了不!最後我决定上前看看那再没动静的草丛,我蹑手蹑脚的靠近草丛快速的用手一拨,里面没有可疑的动物倒是有一个不大不小刚刚可以钻进一只猫的洞。我蹲下身,向里面张望,好多笼子哦,好像是家宠物店的样子。“汪汪”哎呦!笼子里的狗们突然叫了起来,吓了我一跳。拍了拍腿上的灰尘站起身,我都在这住了近20年了,怎麽从来不知道这里有家宠物店呢?我可是很喜欢小动物的哟所以如果能在宠物店打工?真不错呢!恩!得找到宠物店的正门才行,应该就在附近吧!我继续向前走,来到前面不远处的小商业街,这里只有大约10来家的店,并且都是些安静的特色服饰小店,我经常来逛的。难道那家宠物店是新开的?我兜了几圈,并没有发现有新开的店啊!“叔叔!这里有没有新开一家宠物店啊?”我走进经常逛的一家店,询问相识的老板。“啾啾啊最近可是很少来逛叔叔的店了啊!”“叔叔,人家问您问题呢?有没有呀?”看我很著急的模样,老板叔叔不再和我开玩笑。“宠物店,倒是有一家。可已经开了好多年数了啊!”好多年我居然不知道?“叔叔!在哪呀?我都没见过!”按著叔叔指的路,我走进从不曾注意的小巷,经过七八个弯才看见一家门店。宠物店吗?看著门口布满的鲜花,更像是花店啊!并且还没有招牌,真是一家奇怪的店。不管了,进去再说。踏进门口的一刻,此起彼伏的狗叫声猫叫声证明了这的确是家宠物店,还是一家热闹的宠物店。“有人吗?”我叫了好几声,并没有人回应我。也许店主有事不在。我只好打量著这家热闹的宠物店。还真是不看不知道一看吓一跳啊!这里的宠物狗宠物猫品种真全,连蓝骑士,小雪獒都有。并且花丛中还挂著好多鸟笼,都是没见的。1w0-75847 >>


内容简介:《开局扮演封于修》简介:是阵法!这里被万宗的人布置了阵法(开局扮演封于修)。楚箫当即心中发沉,阵法的威力他已经见识过了,中级阵法便能伤他,高级阵法完全可以轰杀他(开局扮演封于修)。不知 道这阵法是中级还是高级,亦或是超级?没等楚箫落地站稳脚跟,又一道光束破空而至,楚箫毫不停留,身体又一次快速扑出,石阶被冲的粉碎,身后一片焦灼(开局扮演封于修)。嗡嗡嗡!那一道道光束,在空中划破空气,带出了一阵阵巨大的嗡鸣声,那是空气颤动的声音。楚箫拎着吕柔白,在原地飞速的移动,他能够感受的到,这光束的威力巨大,就算是他被劈中的话,也要遭受重创(开局扮演封于修)。“封于修,今日这山门前就是你的葬身之地。”翁庄站在山巅高呼,看着狼狈逃窜的封于修,畅快至极的大笑。“你又是什么人,下来一战(开局扮演封于修)。。1w56671-85411 >>


内容简介:面对手捧鸩酒的李儒,刘辩的眼中充满了不甘,他想活,可是董卓却担心十八路诸侯会打着迎立弘农王的旗号发兵勤王。于是,李儒在刘辩万般不情愿的情况下,强行喂他喝下鸩酒。就在刘辩濒死之际,他满脸 愤恨的说道:如果人生可以重来,我一定要将命运之匙牢牢地掌握在自己的手里。刘辩话音刚落:他的脑海中忽然闪过一副画面,画面正中赫然写着六个字:皇帝养成计划。1w0-92958 >>


内容简介:洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!小说阅读其他类型类型小说洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!由作家洛星宇原煜创作【全文完结撒花欢迎给个五星好评! !下本《非典型叛逆》打滚求收藏!文案在最下】欢乐沙雕受(洛星宇)x心机美人攻(原煜)洛星宇见到原煜的第一眼,就对他一见钟情了。一次意外,他看到原煜躲在厕所角落,往腺体上扎针,零生理常识的他以为那是抑制剂:“你是omega?”原煜:“……嗯。”洛星宇当场表白,开始了漫漫追妻(?)旅。作为一只强壮的beta,他开启护妻模式,横扫一切障碍,做原煜身后的巨人!某一天,他突小兵提供洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新章节洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-69361 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,薄岁发现自己穿进了一本耽美灵异文中。这本书中主角攻是特殊事件管理局挂名大佬,主角受是天师世家继承人。而他,只是一个和主角攻受住在同一栋楼中的咸鱼炮灰。好在咸鱼很安全,薄岁松了 口气。然而直到某天夜里,薄岁发现自己好像也……不是那么的安全。他的头发不受控制的生长,半夜之时总是充满爱怜的环绕着他,眼睛在看着镜子时变成了异色,好像瞳孔之外还有另一副颜色。薄岁隐隐发现自己好像觉醒了什么莫名其妙的东西。终于在一个月黑风高的夜里,他猜测成真。薄岁心潮澎湃,忍不住开口唱了歌,在月华之下慢慢变成一只鲛人。充满着异端诡异,与人类格格不入,却美的叫人心惊的鲛人。鲛人——特殊管理局S级生物,食肉,性凶,能力不可言说。薄岁变成鲛人后本以为自己会控制不住本能。然而在看清自己形象之后,他心里却升起了另一种刻在种族里的强烈念头,驱使着他站起身来,看向黑暗心脏鼓动。邪神隐于暗处,将所有人玩弄于股掌之间。可是最近他却发现自己的追随者离奇失踪了。每去派出去一个就会迅速不见,连带着信仰也会消失。多次召回无果之后,邪神起了些兴趣。他顺着痕迹降临,却看到自己的追随者们神色恍惚的坐在墙角,双手抱头精神崩溃,嘴里却喃喃着——爱与和平?而这间废弃的工厂里,一个长发漂亮的鲛人正坐在窗前唱歌,听见声音后回过头来,手里的奶茶还没来得及藏下去……邪神……有些可爱。唱歌狂人薄岁……糟糕,偷人家小弟被发现了。“介意多一个观众吗?”在沉默许久之后,绅士的邪神忽然弯腰开口笑道。策反了邪神众多小弟的鲛人……?听歌听到精神恍惚的邪祟们……?PS每个月总有那么几天想唱歌(策反)的万人迷鲛人受VS愉悦犯真香邪神攻1w0-81103 >>

Kanon (Morishima Petit)

Changing schools is something Yuuchi is accustomed to, due to his parent's profession, and with their recent venture to Africa, he is returning to his aunt's home after 7 years. The time that has passed since his last visit has faded his memories of the people he knew, and the ties that bonded them to him, including his cousin Nayuki. Slowly those people, coincidently all being girls, find their way back to him. However, time has passed and things have happened in their own lives that sets the tone for the series. Secrets that are coming to surface, and memories that are returning to not only Yuuichi, but to those surrounding him. A very heartwarming tale that touches upon a spectrum of emotions, mystery, and the supernatural.

Tokage No Ou

Summary by Vexed-Scans and Deus-Ex Scans: Ikagawa Tokage is a boy with a superpower. He has the the ability to change the color of his eyes whenever he closes and reopens the eyes. Kinda useless, right? Regardless, Ikagawa Tokage strives to strengthen his power in an effort to become the strongest and not have his power be nothing more than an arrow to the knee. With that desire in mind, he trains daily in an abandoned building in modern day Tokyo. But on one such day, he comes to what looks to be a scene of a crime and feels the culprit might still be nearby. Will he make it out of the abandoned building with a broken knee? Is there more to his power than meets the eye?

Soba Ni Oitene

As far as Yuzu remembers, since his childhood, Icchan would always come to his rescue just like a Prince in shiny armour. But Yuzu has grown taller than Icchan! A huge Princess and ultra popular handsome Prince?! A story about schoolboys, will their love bloom?


From Yen Press: Da-Eh, an aspiring manhwa artist who lives with her father and little brother, comes across Sun-Nam, a softie whose ultimate goal is simply to become a “tough guy.” Whenever these two meet, trouble follows. Meanwhile, Ta-Jun, the hottest guy in town, finds himself drawn to the one girl that his killer smile doesn’t work on — Da-Eh. With their complicated family history weighing heavily on their shoulders, watch how these three teenagers find their way out into the world!

Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine

Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine summary: Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin summary: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Emperor’s Domination

Emperor’s Domination summary:

Emperor's Domination is an engaging and exciting novel written by Yan Ni Xiao Sheng. It is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull.com. That's why you can find different interesting details about this book on the website. You can also read some chapters too, however, you have to be a registered user in order to perform that type of action. Fortunately, you can easily create an account on the site if you do not have it already. The procedure is simple and straight forward, the membership is free, so you do not have to pay a penny for the service. 

  Emperor's Domination is a mixture of few great genres such as mystery, adventure. martial arts, action, and others. So there is a little for every genre, and the content can satisfy different reading needs and habits. The book is quite popular on the website considering several hundreds of mostly positive votes. The rating is also high thanks to this fact, and that's a good testimony of the novel's quality. It is important to be aware that this is a very long book with almost 2200 chapters, so you have an opportunity to read in the long run. The status is ongoing, and the book still receives frequent updates. It means the story is not finished yet, and that's quite exciting because no one still knows what will happen at the end. 
  An imprisoned boy is at the center of the plot in this story. he is in a prison for years but now has a possibility to regain a mortal body. He becomes a disciple of a powerful patriarch who is the head of Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. They are a strong couple together, and a bright future is ahead of these two great individuals. Slowly, they will start returning a former glory the sect had in the past. In recent years the membership notice decline and many other problems but it is going to the end. That is the moment many awaits for quite a long time because different opportunities and positive things can be provided with the sect's growth and development. 
  The boy had various problems in prison as well as many of his inmates. He remembered many nasty things, and that's the part of the prison's life. However, he does not want to forget these problems he had because he believes appropriate compensation should be granted to him due to this matter. That's why he is planning a revenge that might include different persons. On his path, the boy will also meet many of his old friends, and he will also meet many new individuals. Some of these will become his new friends while others will stay just casual acquaintances. 
  He will move through nine worlds during the story, and he will also have a chance to become a new ruler of the entire Heavens. That's definitely a powerful political position that can pull him up to the sky. Will he take the chance? It is up to you to discover, so you should not miss the opportunity to read the story. 

Kenkoku no Jungfrau

Kenkoku no Jungfrau summary: It was the times of antiquity. Many kings, many countries, and many Faiths were mixed together, and then they conflicted; an age where nothing was controlled. And finally, an existence know as a Demon revealed itself to this world.
Then the many kings went to battle. Even possessing any kind of sword, or casting any kind of magic, or using any kind of knowledge, could not harm the body of the demon. It was at that time of chaos, a single sage appeared and said this, “There exists a sword that can kill the demon. I want a person who has excellent techniques. Isn’t there anyone who would come with me?”
There were 12 people. The 12 kings sent one of the most excellent knights from each of their kingdoms.
The 12 knight and the single Sage confronted the demon, and then splendidly defeated it. After that, making the sage their king, the 12 kingdoms became one. The 12 knights were referred as The Knights of the Round Table and became the model of all knights. And so, time has reached the present.

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