










简介她这一生只后悔过两件事。 第一,当年轻易爱上这个男人;第二,后来重新爱上这个男人。
















类别都市 恋爱






内容简介:  直接重生在周董的演唱会上,许阳迷迷糊糊的坐在观众席上。 这时到了互动环节。周董问一位女生周董:你叫什么名字?想点什么歌女孩:我叫小仙女,我想点一首《算什么男人》送给我的前男友,我 知道他在现场。随着现场的欢呼,一阵歌声过后。周董:这位朋友怎么称呼?你想点什么歌呢?这时有工作人员把话筒放在了许阳身前,许阳才知道说的是自己。许阳:我不想点歌,可以把话筒给我吗? ……………群:2720758301w0-142 >>


内容简介:进宫前,顾云黛就被太子困在了厨房里。进宫后,顾云黛一心想用药膳废了人渣。谁知太子妻妾迟迟无孕,她的肚子里却蹦了个儿子出来。顾云黛本想母凭子贵安安静静过日子,等儿子长大封王做个闲云野鹤的 太妃。谁知皇叔造反,皇家子嗣死了一大堆,她的儿子变成了唯一的皇孙……眼看着距离后位越来越近,云黛忽然觉得,扶持儿子做皇帝,甩掉渣男做太后才是人生最爽的事情。各位书友要是觉得《赵元璟顾云黛》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w85-4853 >>


内容简介:穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥笔趣阁,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥sodu,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥小说,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥顶点,穿成万人迷的双胞胎哥哥原叶原,【每天1800更新,预收《退出男团后 我爆红了》都耽甜文,求收藏吖!】楚时穿进一本书里,成了里面万人迷被拐卖的双胞胎哥哥。原主被吃尽苦头回到富贵家,从一开始谨小慎微变得羡慕嫉妒万人迷受,处处跟他作对,最终成了早死的炮灰。深知剧情大神尿性的楚时决定讨好万人迷主角弟弟。于是——给弟弟当助理,帮弟弟上课,为弟弟当替身,成了感天动地的好哥哥。不久后,他发现情况有点不对——万人迷缠着他叫哥哥,极度兄控:哥哥是我的,你们休想跟我抢!冷酷真霸总:你是我的!我不许,我不准,不可以!腹黑老师:宝贝,免费单独辅导,喜欢吗?清冷禁欲顶流:你是我唯一的知己,我不能没有你!楚家父母:崽崽受苦了,我们要补偿崽崽!等等,他只不过是为了改变弟弟黑化的结局,怎么让自己成了万人迷了?阅读指南:1、真·霸总攻vs心机受2、本文1v1,不买股3、本文日常流小甜饼,剧情、感情一点点铺展开,比较慢热。4、不喜欢的别勉强自己,好文很多,也别指导写作,谢谢。预收分割线下一本:《退出男团后我爆红了》文案:叶星洲被男团成员孤立,跟经纪公司解约,本来就靠着直播打赏艰难度日的叶星洲更穷了,搬出宿舍后只能跟人合租。合租对象又高又帅,人好心善话不多最重要的是还很节俭,抠搜的叶星洲觉得自己赚大了。地摊货买一送一,一人一件,完美!自助餐合影留念,一人免单,完全可以!叶星洲还发现,自从合租后他就转运了,电视综艺都给他发邀请。顾淮京对自家公司艺人叶星洲一见倾心,然而一时不查发现竟然被踢出公司,不得已只能先把人守在身边。伪装成合租对象的顾总藏起心思小心靠近,暗暗使力,偷摸给资源。为了讨好心上人,顾总背后出钱出力,人前迎合抠搜的心上人——衣服全部剪标!名贵礼物一概是抽奖送的!智能家电都是公司福利!叶星洲:你们公司福利真好!顾淮京:还、还好!全靠我花钱霸总攻vs美颜盛世抠搜受推文时间基友的文:沙雕都耽《顾少是怎么变渣的?》作者:朝天懒一句话简介:妳是我的歲月静好agt我的已完结文《和nc抢装备》无限流《穿成白月光的替身》穿书agta求个作收呀!11w0-82483 >>




内容简介:李安安从小被喊杀人犯的女儿,在养父母家受尽欺辱迫害,四年后她带着三个可爱的儿女华丽归来,车模冠军,美食博主,总裁千金,一个个的头衔闪瞎人眼球,更让人大跌眼镜的是,身边时时刻刻跟着一个让 万千女人疯狂的帝国总裁!1w0-52168 >>


内容简介:  AMD资深架构师王岸然,意外来到1993年……这一年,他刚完成清大的学业,成功收到麻省理工的硕士录取通知书;这一年,芯片巨头intel,刚刚发布划时代的cpu—奔腾处理器;这一年, 王岸然踌躇满志,撕掉了去美利坚的机票 ,定要在芯片工业上,有一番作为。ps:群号666-06-70441w0-145 >>




内容简介:得知外婆病重的消息,郁龄从繁华的都市回到那个山清水秀的宁静小山村。结果,为了让外婆安心,郁龄脑子一热,不仅答应去相亲,甚至和相亲对象去民政局扯了证。扯证的当晚,郁龄一脸懵地看着灯光下撕 去了伪装,美得不像真人的男人,然后就这么被压倒了。更让她心塞的是,明明看起来那么斯文的男人,竟然点亮了力大无穷的技能,后来,郁龄才知道自家老公是个什么样的存在。他压根儿不是人,已经脱离人族了!郁龄:不是说好了建国后不许成精的么?1w0-4019 >>


内容简介:姜黎苏醒时,正是萧弋称帝的第五个年头。易容换面,以男儿之身再入京都,她只要他死。姜黎以为,萧弋是这世间最绝情的人。可当她拔刀相向时,他却甘之如饴。血泊里,萧弋含情脉脉,“阿黎,只要你高 兴,朕这条命就是你的。”姜黎冷笑,“萧弋,你以为我会心软?”【一个心机黑莲坑死前夫的‘绝世甜文’】1w0-3850 >>


内容简介:我的师妹正在向我求婚,她是个大明星,也是个女拳霸,我想拒绝,请问各位网友,我该怎么做?在线等!急!如果您喜欢我的明星师妹,别忘记分享给朋友作者:生了个馒头所写的《我的明星师妹》无弹窗免 费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82672 >>


内容简介:《我和大猫先婚后爱,但又没完全后爱》目前更新不稳定,baby们攒完结再看【为爱克制偏执黑皮大猫攻X人间玫瑰美人清冷受,体型肤色差】1盛初被二次当做联姻工具,他求神拜佛不要是个变态。结果 连人都不是。是一只穿着西装的大猫。2婚后,大猫一直是用尾巴盘着他睡,直到某日……一夜无眠,躺在床上盛初觉得,我迟早要死在这里。事后他越想越觉得自己受骗了。什么高冷猫猫,什么清冷矜贵,都是假的。盛初实在忍不住,拿着小本本要离婚。1w0-34540 >>


内容简介:陈泽重生了,来到了一个平行世界。而在这里,他面临的却是自家电视台的即将破产。为了不让自家电视台破产,陈泽只好拼命了起来,而做着做着,陈泽发现,他家的已经不仅仅是一个电视台,而是一个超级 娱乐帝国。1w0-83589 >>

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Rion is on a mission to find her missing friend Shihoko. Her only two clues are a card given to her by Shihoko and a confession that her best friend was in love with a vampire. Thus she heads down to a club filled with pretty male escorts whom she insists are vampires. Suou, the owner of the club, insists that he doesn't know a Shihoko at all and claims that they are not vampires. So, he decides to chase her out of the club. In order to obtain the truth, Rion throws a very, very expensive bottle of wine onto the ground to prove that she is not leaving, for now she has to work part-time at the club. Later, she realizes that Suou and gang are not the vampires that kidnapped Shihoko. However, in the nick of life and death for both Shihoko and Rion, another group of vampires comes along to save them. So, who are the real vampires now?

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Anna is a doctor at a clinic in a small village. During one busy summer season, Sam, Anna's childhood acquaintance and rival, comes to help out at the clinic. He is now a TV-celebrity doctor, and although Anna is glad of the extra help, he can't film the clinic for his show! They can argue about absolutely anything, but she cannot let Sam know that her heart flickers with feelings of desire whenever he shows her his masculine side... from Baka-Updates

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce!

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce! summary: After his death, Yan Ke transmigrated and became a prince. He had yet to get himself an imperial harem and enjoy life with the (imaginary) concubines when he was married off in a marriage alliance. On the day of the wedding, he was shut out by Meng You. Half a month later after the wedding, when he had just recovered from his illness, Meng You was sent out to the battlefront. He was gone for three years. Yan Ke felt that, he was probably the most tragic, abandoned husband of the highest (epic) level. Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous! Therefore, the most forsaken husband reached his hand out towards the Crown Prince’s residence. — Meng You has just returned after he went out to war three years ago shortly after his marriage. For these three years, he had regularly received letters from the Crown Princess back home. His subordinates all extolled the deep love between husband and husband, but only Meng You knew that those were all attempts by the Crown Princess to ask for a peaceful separation (aka. divorce). He came back from battle only to see his Crown Prince residence turned into a mahjong house, swarming with all sorts of people – men and women, young and old. And that Crown Princess of his whom he had not seen for three years had kept himself fair and delicate, his every movement and action exceedingly coquettish and charming. And then, his Crown Princess walked towards him. Yan Ke, “Handsome, new face here? Do you want to play? It costs one tael of silver for a whole day and 25 taels of silver for a month. The boss will play with you, but the price is calculated separately. You will get more discount if you buy more~” Meng You, “……”

Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz

Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz summary: Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Honourable Mr. Tawnish

The Honourable Mr. Tawnish summary: The Honourable Mr. Tawnish summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Honourable Mr. Tawnish. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga summary: A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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