













蛮妻有毒 贴心大叔暖上天

类别总裁 军阀 婚恋


















内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【1V1男女主双洁】【群像戏】“你喜欢两个人一起努力吗?”某男一脸真诚地看着她。“喜欢啊,一起奋斗挺好的,孤孤单单的多不好。”某女 放下手上的东西,转身回答道。“那……我们一起努力,传宗接代吧?”某女知道自己被套路了以后,怒视着某男,“哥屋恩——鲧。”·某天“主神,不好了,夫人又跑去其他时空惹事了。”某男放下书,“那就派人协助保护夫人。”“可是……夫人此次去主神您小时候时空搞事情了。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之宿主今天又飘了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82040 >>


内容简介:未来长生不死公司的掌门人,飞机失事穿越到秦末的魏国,成了乡中一土鳖。不管是在乡里,巧做豆腐,还是社宰分祭肉,就连追女孩,讨媳妇,都不惜弄几辆豪车,在家门口压出几道车辙印;智斗恶霸石家, 面对捣乱、诬告、纵火、奸细,层层设套,步步用计,最后通过乞丐寄书,使石家灰飞烟灭。看似生活日常,却处处暗藏机关,不经意间,彰显人生智慧。出山后,扶助奄奄一息的魏王,守大梁,杀得秦军尸横遍野,搞游击,截断秦军运输线;历经战阵,血雨腥风,安然自若;这些还都是小菜,重头戏在之后,看他如何辅助刘邦,屡出奇计,灭项羽,解白登,全樊哙,诛灭诸吕,保大汉四百年江山1w0-26688 >>


内容简介:销魂窟新御宅屋是由顾沫沫所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供销魂窟新御宅屋最新章节阅读销魂窟新御宅屋全文阅读销魂窟新御宅屋免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现销魂窟新御宅屋更新慢了请第一时间联系小 兵。1w0-82728 >>


内容简介:  这是一个科学和魔法并存的世界。  这里有人追求强大的魔法,也有人寻求永恒的真理。  异世穿越而来的理科学霸,从小小的图书管理员做起,左手魔法,右手真理,一脚踢开了新世纪的大门。   有人称他为魔法的先行者,有人说他是科学的奠基人。  也有人这么形容他。  在新世纪,布莱尔是邪恶的象征。1w0-115 >>


内容简介:①【本文狗血。本文双渣。本文不洁。】②【本文HE。】【本文不入V。】③【基本日更,不更请假。每晚24:00更新。】——这是一本讲‘低俗’的书,谈不上高雅,也谈不上文学性。“他在我的笔记 本上画了一个「马斯洛需求层次金字塔」顶层是‘自我成就’最底层是‘呼吸、食物、性、住房、健康’他在‘性’上划了个叉:「我们的制度非常聪明,管住人最基本的需求。于是我们满脑子就剩下这些,其他什么都不想了。」”——《走出中东》有时,性比一切都危险。CP:魏北x沈南逸男星(受)x文学作家(攻)沈南逸:我只忠实描写人类欲念。魏北:拍点成人电影还犯法吗。沈南逸:为你点播一首《血腥爱情故事》。魏北:那我就给您唱《烂泥》吧。——别舍下我纵是这种烂泥。——能亲近你纵被你踩在脚下也矜贵。至于虐不虐,见仁见智。1w0-84269 >>


内容简介:《39667》是黑夜的瞳精心创作的玄幻魔法,ABC小说网实时更新39667最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的39667评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持39667读者的观点。 各位书友要是觉得《39667》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1242-26774 >>


内容简介:前世:“夕若!你尽不到妻子的责任也就罢了?我不逼你。”“但是你能不能尽到一个母亲的责任啊?”“你怎么忍心给自己的儿子喂安眠药”“夕若你去死吧,我才是傅家的少夫人哈哈你这个蠢货,傅君暮一 直爱着你,你却不相信他,还给自己的儿子喂安眠药”这一世:“宝贝儿,妈咪送你们去上学好不好?”“宝贝儿,妈咪给你们做饭好不好?”某天记者采访:“傅总裁,对于您的妻子改邪归正,您有什么想法吗?”傅君暮:“可能上辈子我拯救了全宇宙。”记者:“傅总裁听说您在家的地位还不如自己的儿子?”傅君暮:“是谁说的,给我站出来?什么听说,本来就是。”(记者:我们还能不能愉快的交谈了)【展开】【收起】1w0-97875 >>


内容简介:苏胜穿越到妖魔复苏的世界,获得吞噬系统。来到这个世界的第一天,妖魔复苏,安静被打破。路人惊恐万状。这一刻。苏胜以‘杀戮都市’滑瓢第五形态出现……这一日,全球震动!《全球妖魔:开局吞噬八 岐大蛇》小说推荐:九阳战皇、最强反派系统、武极天下、崛起诸天、都市之创造万界、九劫剑魔、万界登录之我有亿万弟子、神魔大唐之无敌召唤、我只想安静地打游戏、玄幻之神级扫描、武道霸主、斗罗大陆II绝世唐门、开天录、万道剑尊、逆天剑神、西游之我在天庭996、鸿蒙太玄经、伊森的奇幻漂流、儒道至圣、我被困在同一天十万年1w0-33466 >>




内容简介:1228812288超级畅销书作家书海沧生口口相传之作,承载千万读者珍贵回忆的青春经典!第一年,她贪图美色,爱上他,一盆水泼出百年的冤家。第二年,他为她拍了张照片,照片上有个微笑的姑娘 。第三年,他卧病懵懂,赖着她,姑娘醒来发现一场梦啊。第四年,他喜欢的人从维也纳飞回他的心上,她从他的身旁漂泊到了距他最远的水乡。第五年,姑娘再也瞧不见自己的那朵花,他对着电流说我是DJYan啊。第八年,每次分离都如余生已去,少年再也瞧不见自己的那只小水龟。第十年,他做了爸爸,她做了妈妈。孩子姓言,母温氏。历数十年之期,他们有了百年的家。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《十年一品温如言》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-3531 >>


内容简介:傲世龙帅最新章节由网友提供《傲世龙帅》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的玄幻奇幻类型小说,傲世龙帅由作家秦尘周馨妍创作,小兵免费提供傲世龙帅最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读, 主要讲述的是:五年前,他是商业天骄,却被自己的妻子陷害入狱。五年时间,父亲遭遇车祸,沦为残疾,姐夫路遇劫匪,惨遭不测。五年后,他是第一战神,权势滔天……1w21759-103128 >>


内容简介:“恭喜您成功登录生存游戏,在这里,让我们一起打开新世界的大门!”一句附耳呢喃,让商以柔瞬间惊醒。24世纪爆火的全息游戏【噩梦】突然只能登录不能退出,无数人真的进入了这个名副其实的“噩梦 游戏”。黑暗的海底古城,错综复杂的隧道机关,49位陌生玩家……系统的提示音泛着诡异,在这里不分性别,没有金钱地位,现实与游戏彻底混乱,只有全身心依靠于自己的博弈才有可能存活下去。随机移动的密室、美人鱼的神秘歌声、随时可能涌进的海水、七个队伍间进四退三的生死PK……一切的一切都在告诉商以柔,她也进入了噩梦游戏中。【系统提示】:恭喜玩家商以柔成功破解副本世界观!【副本提示】:恭喜玩家商以柔成功速通副本!……【系统】:“宿主你为何总能通关?!”商以柔:“真当我两百多年是睡过去的么?”别问了别问了,男主是季朝1w23069-95131 >>

Wild Half

From Manga-Koekje: This is a shounen manga about a senior named Taketo Iwase and a dog named Salsa. As they set off early on to resolve a problem with a criminal that Toshifumi (Taketo's brother) is having, Taketo sees that there is more to the dog (that can communicate in the human language) than meets the eye. Together they solve a number of troubles and also meet other different species (cat girls, dogs, birds, etc). The author clearly shows that she is capable of drawing dynamic illustrations, especially in the fighting scenes although it make look somewhat shoujo at times. Wild Half has some very funny gag lines, some moving plots, helpful morals, in short, a little bit of everything packaged into one. (Shortened review written by Si)

Usotsuki Marriage

From Midnight Scans: 1. Kekkon no Jouken (Wedding's Condition) As a Bridal Advisor, finding soul mates for people is Yoshimi Nishihara's job. Yet she simply cannot find a suitable match for this particular client. 2. Mujouken no Koufuku (Unlimited Conditions for Happiness) Misako attends her high school reunion determined to show her old rival just how successful she now is... Only to find him unemployed and homeless! This simply will not do. 3. Yuuwaku no Rakuen (Paradise Temptation) All Shimizu Ruri wants is a vacation, but what will happen when she gets roped into a research project with Suruga Motoki? Moreover, they'll be alone together on an uninhabited island!? 4. Usotsuki Marriage (The Lying Marriage) Even though Narumi is an amateur when it comes to flower arranging, it is still her dream to make flower arrangements for weddings and to have a romantic wedding surrounded by flowers and lights with the person she loves most. However, while she was delivering some things to the wedding place, she suddenly has to take the bridal wear’s role…?!

Motto Kokoro Ni Hoshi No Kagayaki Wo

From ADV: Akane is a charming young girl with two separate identities. Growing up as a princess in the Dainagon family, she befriends Aogi, who, as he matures, takes a position with the Inner Guards at the Imperial Palace, thus becoming unavailable to the outside world. When the long-lasting separation from her childhood chum becomes unbearable, Akane must assume a second persona, that of a servant of the Imperial Palace. But entering the gates of the castle doesn't get her any closer to Aogi, and soon, these star-crossed lovers are breaking all the rules for that sweet reunion they both crave.

Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica - Cardinal Crimson

In a place called Polyphonica, humans and spirits live side by side. Young musicians create magical sounds with their music, which bind the spirits to them. A struggling student named Phoron accidentally summons a spirit he met in childhood but later forgot about. Phoron could use all the help he can get, but this feisty spirit may prove to be more than he can handle!

Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway

Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway summary: Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Step To The Graveyard Easy

Step To The Graveyard Easy summary: Step To The Graveyard Easy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Step To The Graveyard Easy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Martial God Asura

Martial God Asura summary: Martial G.o.d Asura is an online novel published on Novel Online Full. The story is a mixture of ten different genres such as action, adventure, fantasy, romance, and martial arts among others. There are many interesting events in this book, and it can be suitable for readers of different tastes, thanks to this useful genre combination. Martial G.o.d Asura is a popular novel considering some counterparts. It has received thousands of mostly positive votes, comments, and reviews. That’s why the rating is also very high if not completely excellent. This story is suitable for readers who prefer long novels because it contains over 3400 chapters. That means you have a lot of content to read, and the new updates are about to come as well. So the readers have an opportunity to read this book in the long time frame.
Chu Feng is the main character in this story, and he belongs to the Chu Family. They are located in the Azure Province, which is a part of the Continent of Nine Provinces. Chu was, however, adopted as a little kid, and that’s why he was not really accepted as a full-fledged member of the family. This opens a s.p.a.ce for other family members to hara.s.s and a.s.sault him regularly. Only several members treat him decently, while others do not do that. He is, for example, kindly treated by his adoptive brother named Chu Guyu and his adoptive cousin Chu Yue.
Chu Feng started studying in the Azure Dragon School at age 10. And that’s the moment when many of his adventures begin. He starts to travel in different parts of the world, meet different cultures, and discover various secrets.
However, this path is not going to be easy for him. It just seems like a great opportunity at the start, however, many problems are about to arise so he will face different problems and dangers. Some of these might even lead to his own personal tragedy as well as to endless struggling and fighting.

On the other hand, Chu is a strong man, and that’s obvious from the start. You just have to look at him and his body figure explains everything. He is almost two meters tall and has a long black hair. He is often equipped with sword and other pieces of armor His enemies do not have an easy task when they try to compete against him, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy an exciting adventure while reading this Martial G.o.d Asura.
Also, Chu has an opportunity to advance in ranks during his traveling and fighting. He already achieved a serious success, so there is no reason to stop now. And this is an ongoing story with new updates ready to come soon.
The entire book should be available to members of The Light Novel, so you should go there if you want to read the story. Of course, you will need to access your account in order to get the content. If you do not have one, you can easily register on the website just by writing a a few basic personal details about yourself. The membership is free, and that’s a real opportunity for many people.

Spitfire Parade

Spitfire Parade summary: Spitfire Parade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Spitfire Parade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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