


类别悬疑 校园 推理








简介我的妹妹小埋16岁,完美的妹妹,完美的高中生,但在家里却是个超懒的干物妹……华丽?变身?干物妹小埋漫画 ,欢迎在线观看!








简介一句承诺,将她和一个陌生的男人捆绑在一起,她的生活从此天翻地覆。“做好你的傀儡太太,管住你的心。” 撒旦的爱情不是什幺女人都受得起,一次次身与心的折磨后,她心灰意冷,他却霸道地圈住她的腰身,“夺了我的心还想跑?”【第一季完结】












类别都市 恋爱 霸总




内容简介:后世武警杨义,在云南追捕毒贩时,不小心掉进了溶洞,从而穿越到了唐贞观年间。因重生的身份是弘农杨氏,又因李淳风推算出,杨义乃紫微星神人下凡,从此和李世民产生了斩不断理还乱的故事。而一心想 发财的杨义,在得到李靖投资后,却无意间掉进了李靖设置的圈套里,在与朝臣斗知斗勇中,略占上风,但也被迫再次走上了军人之路。由于在后世是个学渣,李世民屡次授官,杨义都给予回绝,只接受爵位。但爵位难得,不可能授得太高,恼羞成怒的李世民,将杨义贬去领南。从此,杨义才终于实现了他的志向:当大唐版的比尔盖茨!杨义暴富了,但他并不满足于现状,他打造大海船,下南洋挖金、捕砗磲、捞鲸粪,什么值钱他干什么,致富能力暴棚。拥有巨大财富的杨义,为躲避朝庭无休止的征伐,开始了他环球之旅……多年以后,当杨义再次回归故土时,已是新皇登基,他也已老迈,只得蜗居在自己一手创建的桃花坞内感叹世间的沧桑变化……【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《桃花坞》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70207 >>




内容简介:  穿越火影世界,融入众多忍者之中。  八门遁甲、忍术奥义……  原来穿越并不是没有携带任何天赋,而是,还没有发现而已!  木叶史上最强忍者,传奇之路开始……  呃……别说我谦虚,低调 啊……  【本书不拆原作CP,这是一个生活在火影世界中的故事。更新时间:晚八点,晚十点,加更另算】  ps:书友群:179279640  1w0-2898 >>


内容简介:我的女儿不可能是草履虫!我莫逸老舰长了,崩坏3不就是开局任选一只御三家——虫系草履虫,钢系板鸭,电系煮饭婆又或者格斗系德莉傻么?只是我的崩坏3开局御三家为什么和其他人不太一样?吸血猫: 1w0-84113 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《超级教师》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读【网文圈有史以来最成功的教师题材小说,青春校园第一大神张君宝成名力作】模仿跟风者众,却从未被超越的神作,被乐视网改编成影视剧《stb超级教师 》,观众人次已突破5亿,百度搜索风云榜电视剧分类第5。我的口号是:“凡是叛徒,统统都应该下地狱;凡是我的学生,一定要成才!因为我是中海有史以来的超级教师。”风格:轻松、趣味、high到爽,正能量到爆!作者自定义标签老师热血1w0-29382 >>


内容简介:诸天世界,中天为王,人族称雄!曾经,有十亿八千万魔神统御中天世界;曾经,人族先贤筚路蓝缕,但为求存。俱往矣,当神力长河贯穿中天,亘古奔涌之时,一个属于“神通”的大时代到来。中天人族纵横 诸天世界,亿万生灵都在神通下低头束手,昔日的一切辉煌尽为过往,每一个新的一天到来,都是前所未有的巅峰!幸甚何如,生于斯时!……莫玄,手持众神图录,身后朦胧光影,或横刀立马,或普度众生……皆是:东方众神!他的面前,是:无量神通,不尽威能;诸天世界,神秘莫测。携东方众神威能,踏入这个属于人族的最巅峰时代,神力光辉诸天暗影下,他昂然而立!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诸天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83134 >>




内容简介:三年前,一场交易,无性无爱的四个月婚姻,在签下离婚协议书之后,他和她,从此再无任何交集。三年后,他再次归来,继承家族企业,成为这个城市的商业精英。慕氏家族的权威,在这个城市,几乎无人能 敌!庆功宴上,偶然的相遇,让本无交集的两个人再次纠缠在一起。事后,他疯狂的迷恋她,而她,却成了他侄子的女朋友。他不甘,想尽一切办法,只为了让她留在他身边。“我们已经离婚了!”白小悠终于忍受不了他的攻略。他只是淡淡的应一声,漫不经心的回一句:“嗯,明天我开个记者招待会,让所有的人都知道你是我的前妻!”“你无耻!”某女几乎是咬牙切齿。“嗯,这个你不是早就知道了么?”他倒是不生气。“做我的情人吧!”他继续无耻。“就你?没兴趣!”她学他无耻,语气里的轻蔑让男人咬牙切齿。“你有种把刚刚话再说一遍!”他大怒。各位书友要是觉得《总裁前夫不好惹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84416 >>




内容简介:[下本《朕在现代当男宠[古穿今]》预收求宠幸]明天入v,零点万字章掉落v章留评皆有红包乔方临是个Omega,标签性冷淡,能打,长的好,装beta他身形纤瘦修长,眼角一颗泪痣和白的晃眼的 皮肤轻易就能勾来各种alpha,但几乎都被他的坏名声吓跑了天生性冷淡,对于alpha身上的信息素感知极低的乔方临不会被他们影响,《O装B是要被标记的》小说推荐:上瘾、小男友又狠又乖、玫瑰挞、开局给魏尔伦戴了顶环保帽、陷入我们的热恋、还潮、夫人她马甲又轰动全城了、蜜吻999次:乔爷,抱!、七天七夜、非常关系、七零炮灰小知青、助理建筑师、投行男女(原名我们住在一起)、六零年代好生活、放肆娱乐圈、草莓印、本能喜欢、陈年烈苟、甜婚蜜宠:权少的1号小新娘、我变拽了,也变海了1w0-96002 >>


内容简介:她江离不能文不能武,被世人看做废材一个,却突然嫁于赫赫有的战王,世人都道这门婚事是个笑话,却不想某人宠妻狂魔。“王爷,王妃又把金夫人给打了。”“让她打,银子本王来付。”“王爷,王妃娘娘 说是要把您的池塘填了种药材。”“让她填,填不动了你们也帮着填。”管家汗颜,见过宠的还没见过那个不分青红皂白就宠的。1w83996-84064 >>

Ami! Nonstop

Ami is a normal school girl. One day with her friends, she got stopped for an interview by a camera crew who thought Ami was really cute. Shortly afterwards, Ami meets a blond boy who goes to her school named Nozomu. He seems to show some interest in her too. However, after she went to the 'Darwin', a group of two boy singers, concert, she met another Nozomu. Very soon after the encounter with Darwin, she then got roped into the entertainment world as there were many people already interested in her from her live interview, who she later also became interested in.

Kurenai Hanafubuki

Thirteen year-old Sanada Beni is part of a ninja family. After years of training, she is finally a Red ninja. She takes an oath of loyalty to fulfill all her missions as her family's 'red ninja' descendant. She sets off to the same school attended by Kiyoshi Makoto, a boy she accidentally met four years ago. Now, what will happen as Makoto continues to protect the entrance ceremony - and Beni protects him?

Oo Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai

This manga takes place in a school where the students are based on famous shoguns in Japanese history. Sengoku Gakuen was once like a normal school but Oda Nobunaga, the student president overthrew the teachers and practically made them powerless. He built a school of the students, for the students and by the students. Nobunaga eventually graduated and left Hideyoshi in charge as the student president. However, Hideyoshi soon drops out of school to help Nobunaga rule Japan as he ruled Sengoku Gakuen. The story picks up here as there is a battle between Ishida Mitsunari, an uptight and conservative, yet hardworking boy, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the temporary school president who has lots of followers, fighting for the school president seat. We also see other famous figures as fellow students such as Ootani Yoshitsugu who is loyally following Mitsunari and Oichi, Nobunaga�™s younger sister. Who will win the student body president position and take command of the school?

Fairial Garden

Noah is a young boy whose parents are world famous as scientists who developed 'Fairia seeds.' Fairia seeds are special flower seeds that can 'grow' fairy-like beings called Fairia. Fairias have become popular pets since the seeds became available for sale. Popular with everyone else but Noah. Noah swore that he would never keep a Fairia again after his mother used his Fairia in an experiment and killed it. One day he picks up a houseplant from the garbage and brings it home without realizing that it is a Fairia plant. When it flowers, out comes a beautiful girl the size of a pea. He names her Claire. Claire is a special kind of Fairia called Fairial that can make themselves human-sized. Now, Noah must find out the secret behind the Fairia seeds, if he wants to keep Claire safe.

With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign

With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign summary: With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Yuri Harem

My Yuri Harem summary: A couple want to have a baby. Only one problem stands in their way: The individuals are both ladies.But Before sun can rise above the lives of this happy couple, an ocean of past awaits them. And to have a new beginning, one must clean the slate that is a wrecked past.Go on a journey with Madonna and Kiyomi as they tread on a journey of l.u.s.t, anger, love, and forgiveness. Will they...

The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

The Path of the Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack summary: Ling Xiao was secretly in love with a girl named Mo Qi; because of an accident, they both crossed into the ancient times.
Mo Qi who was preinstalled with the Mary Sue halo, in these ancient times, walked to the summit with a golden finger.
However, Ling Xiao continued to be exploited by Mo Qi.
After he no longer had any values to exploit, he soon became a pitiful cannon folder.
The heavens decided to take pity on Ling Xiao.
And gave Ling Xiao an opportunity for rebirth.
After rebirth, he vowed that all his enemies would repay him with a debt of blood!
However, why have all these enemies of his, fallen into the mode of cutting their heads open?
“Hey, are you really that unremarkable person who used to follow behind Mo Qi?”
“So this dance was originally danced by you, sigh&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”
“You are obviously a man, yet you move me so much.”
“Enough! Since you have taken the initiative to provoke me, then you must concentrate on me!”
Ling Xiao expressed: If you want to counterattack, then counterattack. As long as your golden finger is bigger than Mo Qi’s.
But how did Mo Qi’s Mary Sue halo end up in his body! He is still a straight man who likes beauties! He definitely, definitely doesn’t want to turn curved!

The Legend of Futian

The Legend of Futian summary: In a time when the Divine Prefectures of the East Sea were in great disarray, Emperor Ye Qing and Donghuang the Great appeared to save the day. Under their rule, the prefectures united and all nations as well as their kings have been controlled. However, the legend of these two great heroes becomes altered when Emperor Ye Qing’s name is wiped from the history books after his sudden death. All statues and images of him were destroyed and his name a taboo. Only the legend of Donghuang the Great shall live on. 
Fifteen years later, a young man by the name of Ye Futian begins his journey in search for his true ident.i.ty. The legend of Futian was going to be one for the history books.

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