
































内容简介:王汉穿越了,带着召唤系统光荣的成为穿越大军的一员,别人召唤一个骷髅战士,王汉的召唤阵里却走出了一万个骷髅战士,别人召唤一头魔兽,王汉的魔兽大军已经开始围城。当指环王里的半兽人碰上魔兽世 界里的兽人。当西伯利亚被无数的亡灵占据。当冷兵器时代遭受到钢铁洪流。当百万小鬼子向着东京发动万岁冲锋。丧尸组成的上亿军队浩浩荡荡的游荡在石器时代。无数虫族教外星人该如何入侵。王汉总是站在后面,默默的说道:“我真的不是坏人。”当英国人不停的往迁星舰上搬运黄金,米国人把矿工送上星际运输舰,何难人割皇宫给哥做寝宫,王汉只想说:“签条约不好,现在还有谁想要签条约。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《位面之召唤大军》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74646 >>


内容简介:神树究竟是不是另一种形式上,以实体在世界上存在的卡巴拉生命之树?查克拉之果与生命之果有何不同?大筒木辉夜姬吞服了查克拉之果后,拥有了神一样的力量,这很难让人不联想到,假如EVA的世界之 中,拥有精神之果的莉莉丝吞服了生命之果是否也会发生同样的事情。而所谓的月之眼计划似乎与人类补完计划有异曲同工之妙?查克拉究竟又是什么东西?身体能量与精神能量?生命之果与精神之果?,实在是拥有太多的雷同之处。大筒木一族是来自遥远土地的一族,族中的公主天生拥有白眼。所谓遥远的土地究竟在哪里?大筒木一族后来生活在月亮之上,这与日本国土代代相传的那位来自月亮之上的竹取公主辉夜姬究竟有何关联?书友群:590433761本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《火影之大老师系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69435 >>


内容简介:烈酒煮青梅烈酒煮青梅小说阅读其它类型小说烈酒煮青梅由作家藕粉圆子创作预收文《摘一片月光》求收藏为了应付长辈,陆梦溪和裴越泽协议结婚。两人约定,婚后不同居、不公开、不联系。新婚第二天,陆 梦溪赴山区支教。上山路上,车子抛锚。陆梦溪和同事下车等待支援,远远看见裴越泽的库里南顺着崎岖山路蜿蜒而上。陆梦溪不由问他:“你怎么来了?”裴越泽摘下墨镜,望着风尘仆仆的新婚妻子,低笑一声,理直气壮道:“想你了。”陆梦溪:???说好假结婚的呢?清冷古典舞小仙女x暗恋成真心机竹马翻山越岭,为你而来。情窦初开,便不再忘怀。食用指南:1、女主因为生病忘记了很多事,后期会想起来。2、青梅竹马先婚后爱年少时双向暗恋,信我,甜文!3、求收藏预收文《摘一片月光》文案如下:了解宗誉的人都知道,他是一个极度自律的不婚主义者。不吸烟不喝酒,无不良嗜好,定schedule都精确到秒。直到他遇见陈令仪。多年来冷静自矜的宗誉从没有想过,有一天他会扔下所有工作,奔赴千万里,只为见一个日日夜夜疯狂肖想的女人。·【小剧场】陈令仪有一回在饭局上喝多了酒,跟同事吐槽大客户宗誉:“他那种和资本一起玩耍的人,眼里只有钱,浑身上下都弥漫着资本家的铜臭味。”邻桌西装革履的年轻男人闻言,谨慎地嗅了嗅衣角。酒醒之后,宗誉温柔地问她:“陈小姐,我眼里只有钱吗?”陈令仪:“……”他轻轻地笑:“我眼里还有你啊。”食用指南:1、美貌任性银行经理x禁欲专情金融大鳄2、点进专栏可见,求收藏本小说网提供藕粉圆子著作的烈酒煮青梅最新章节,烈酒煮青梅全文免费阅读,烈酒煮青梅无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供烈酒煮青梅最新章节烈酒煮青梅最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82438 >>




内容简介:【微博网易云妄鸦Alter】“第一次见你时才发觉,原来我的笔下,竟也能写出如此惊艳绝伦,皎如明月的人物来。”白衣剑尊微微一顿,敛下眉眼,“哦?那后来如何各位书友要是觉得《表面天下第一》 还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25043 >>


内容简介:预收文《玫瑰禁区》《软话》欢迎收藏TvT从小到大,言意最害怕的就是那司家的大哥哥,每次只要她不听话,她爸妈就会说——“再不听话,就把你丢到司家去。”高三那年,言意书包里掉出来一封情书, 正好被她爸妈看见。她爸妈都在国外,没时间看着她,真打算把她丢到司蕴寒那里。言意誓死不从,后来司蕴寒亲自过来接人,言意又怂又委屈地跟着司蕴寒走了。1w0-28362 >>

渣完反派后 他重生了

内容简介:晚九点更新,加更在早九点,有的话会提前说专栏预收《我的同桌变凶了重生》求收藏3文案放最下面啦本文文案:演艺界内无人不知,陆易涟是万里挑一的透明体质,天天刷脸也能做到在观众面前毫无姓名。 好不容易演了个大爆剧,从主演到配角火了个遍,他还是个默默无闻的路人甲。用过他的导演替他惋惜,说他天赋演技样样在线,1w0-72435 >>


内容简介:《仙君重生》是桔梗精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新仙君重生最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的仙君重生评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持仙君重生读者的观点。各位书友要是 觉得《仙君重生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2317-26913 >>


内容简介:凤娇机缘巧合,以‘借腹生子’的名义初入东宫,太子却对她说:“本太子对你没兴趣,你滚远一点。”当然,凤娇对这位太子大叔也没兴趣,甚至相见分外眼红。可为了在这深宫之中生存下去,凤娇无奈之下 只能奋起反击,斗太子、斗公主、斗妃嫔、斗皇后、斗皇帝……一步步登上那至高无上的地位。1w0-107419 >>




内容简介:重生前她有眼无珠,被渣男未婚夫害得坠楼惨死,重生后她只想好好撩一撩未婚夫的小叔——那个成熟矜贵、权势滔天的男人。后来,渣男未婚夫:“烟烟,我错了,我爱的只有你。”姜烟挽着帝都最英俊的男 人,勾唇一笑:“叫婶婶。”身边的男人霸道地扣住她腰:“不准对其他男人笑得这么欢,侄子也不可以。”1w0-26417 >>



Mint De Kiss Me

Yuu Watase's Masterpiece Collection Volume 5 consists of four stories. 1) Mint de Kiss Me - There is a legend that if you kiss the man you like with a mint candy in your mouth, you can become one with your love. Misono is a rather superstitious girl who decides to test this out on Tohno-sensei, a young teacher she has a crush on. Unfortunately for her, she makes a mistake in the attempt to surprise him and instead kisses her fellow classmate Shindou. Of course this would be the time for the legend to work quite literally as Misono’s spirit enters Shindou’s body. 2) Genseika - Chiya goes to school with her friends and witnesses one of them die suddenly as a flower bursts out of him. The three friends had been together since elementary school, the death hitting Chiya and Yutaka hard. When other people begin dying from the flowers, they investigate possible reasons for such usual deaths. To her surprise, she finds answers close to home. 3) Furimuke Romance! - The hero of girls targeted by guys peeking into the locker room, Taka has quite the violent tomboy reputation. But all she wants is for some handsome guy to ask her out. A cheerful street vender, Ryouta gives her a special ring with a heart locket pendent to hold pictures. When two photos are enclosed, romance is in the air. 4) Hang in there Nakago (Part I) - Involves the scenario where Fushigi Yuugi was actually done by real actors. Unfortunately, Nakago (stage name) is a lot more unconfident than the character he plays. At least his one main fan, an unnamed woman with flowers, is there to support him through his worries.

Elevator O Orite Massugu

Story 1) Having grown up together in the same apartment building, Hasumi and Souichirou are like brother and sister. But one day, Souichirou suddenly confesses to Hatsumi! They start going out, but their story is filled with the confusion of first love. Story 2) Rainy Day Children: Rumi is a very bored 3rd grade girl. What can one do when all it does is rain, rain, rain? The answer, of course, is to go outside, enjoy the rain–and just maybe, find an interesting new friend. Story 3) Love Machine: Natsuki has a crush on a boy a year younger than she is. She thinks she can find the courage to confess, if only he would see her as a girl instead of just his senpai. Story 4) The Sun Adventurers: Legend has it that beyond the two mountains in the west where the dark forests ended, there was a place that could make wishes come true… People called it: Sunlight. Tulip, a young female of the Persian tribe, has a very important wish… Story 5) Fly into the Blue Sky: A young girl learns to fly–but not too high. Story 6) Awful Boy: Miwa knew Takumi already had a girlfriend. He feels friendship for Miwa, while she feels the pain of unrequited love. But sometimes, the pain is worth it.

Baby Leaf

The prequel to Honeymoon Salad. This manga tells the story of Minori and Youko's high school relationship. The final chapter is a story about Ichika in her high school days.

Sister Red

From the DrMaster manga outlet site: This is the story of Mahito, Alice and the 'The True One' All sorts of odd things begin to happen when Mahito survives being rundown by a car traveling at high-speed. What lurks behind the world of the living? What is it that hides just out of sight of human perception? There is more to our world than our eyes reveal, as Mahito, a young High School girl, is about to find out. Questions mount as one thing becomes painfully clear; Mahito did not survive her accident at all. Modern-day vampires, the occult and hunters of the undead� 'nuff said! When walking home, Mahito suddenly gets killed by a hit-and-run by some drunkards. When she thought she had already died she was revived, in her house without a scratch. Thinking it was merely a dream she thought nothing of it until Alice appeared. Alice was a median that was already dead but was alive due to Scarlett's heart, Alice had one half of Scarlett's heart while Mahito had the other half. That meant that the only thing keeping mahito alive was Scarlett's heart and that wasn't even hers! But many people sought the heart because it brings immortality. But Mahito is still clinging to life because of her half-sister Erika and uses the Scarlett power with Alice to defeat the true enemy that poses a threat, Yuri, who is Alice's brother who is to be destroyed.

What Happened To Inger Johanne

What Happened To Inger Johanne summary: What Happened To Inger Johanne summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of What Happened To Inger Johanne. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Doctor Who_ The Twin Dilemma

Doctor Who_ The Twin Dilemma summary: Doctor Who_ The Twin Dilemma summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ The Twin Dilemma. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Otherworldly summary: Sebastian is a male nurse that has seen it all - from powerful, elite-tiered political patients to broken, forgotten sc.r.a.ps of humanity. When his last area of exposure goes awry, he ends up fatally wounded. Forcefully reborn into an alternate dimension which had always been closely intertwined with Earth, he is now faced with a new world to learn and grow again. How will his previous nursing skills...

Madam Is A Sensational Figure In The City

Madam Is A Sensational Figure In The City summary: As the leader of bandits, Yan Jinyi has been a bully for twenty years, and she ended up causing her own death.
The next thing she knows, she wakes up and finds that she has become the Second Young Mistress of the Huo Family. Wielding her knife, Yan Jinyi starts to throw her weight around conceitedly again.
Young Master Huo says, “If I’m still single, I’ll probably marry my sister-in-law.”
Third Young Master Huo says, “If I could turn back time, I would have vied with my brother to marry my second sister-in-law.
Miss Huo says, “If I were a man, my second sister-in-law would be my woman!”
A CEO says, “I thought I was roguish enough, but I didn’t expect Yan Jinyi to be more of a hooligan than I am!”
The Best Actor says, “Huo Xishen, why are you still not divorced?”
Second Young Master Huo points to Yan Jinyi and says, “She is mine.”
Rumor has it that the second daughter-in-law of the Huo Family can beat a home wrecker up and is especially good at making money. Countless bigwigs are lining up to make a cuckold of Huo Xishen.

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