


简介每【周六周日】更新! “从现在开始!尊重我,信任我,不管贫穷富裕、疾病还是健康,你愿意与我相互扶持,做一对秘密的假夫妻吗?” 钻石王老五、广告业女大佬、加班狂魔徐佳慧的求婚翻车现场,由PIMO鸭鸭为你现场直播!





Change - 变身

简介 一个男高中生在一场意外中被雷打到,莫名其妙变成了女儿身之后发生的校园故事。




















简介日本讲谈社月刊杂志《别册Friend》(每月13日发行)同步更新,每月更新一话。©Junko 2013【简介】女主人公芹沼花依是一个圆滚滚胖乎乎生活在二次元中的腐女,某天因为心爱的动画角色死亡受到巨大打击,体重骤减,结果因此受到校内四位美男子的追求……




内容简介:一位游走于生死之间的现代雇佣兵,灵魂携带着一枚功能强大的现代科学结晶「光脑」穿越到了火影世界。利用光脑,他可以将「风」和「水」属性的查克拉融合为「冰遁」血继限界利用光脑,他可以发现游离 在世界中的「自然能量」来修行仙法利用光脑,他还可以各位书友要是觉得《木叶之冰遁仙人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w11218-26459 >>


内容简介:(系统)当幸运值为max时简介:公告:周四号入v哦,希望小天使继续支持,爱你们防盗比例70,时间36h,若是比例够了缓存清了页面刷新了还没出来,那代表抽了,我也没办法【摊手】幸运,气运 ,虽是一字之差,但系统兆筠一直认为气运的力量是强大到幸运所不能比拟的,君不见主角的机运都是来自于世界意识赋予的大气运么。可是,宿主杨小小告诉了兆筠什么叫做“气运不如幸运”。第一天小小“啦啦啦,今天捡到一株四级药草,运气真好罒▽罒”兆筠“……”狗屎运罢了。第二天小小“咦?系统商城抽奖?哇塞,我抽到了一等奖哎!好幸运!!≧≦”兆筠“……”转盘今天抽风了。……第n天小小“筠筠,有个人倒在门口哎,咦?这个是不是你说的什么男主啊?”兆筠“……”主银求抱大腿!我再也不嫌弃你了!!°ω°#一个系统三观重塑的时间长短##论幸运pk气运的结果##节操那是什么,能吃吗?##我家宿主是个幸运值max##所有人遇见宿主画风都不对了#——————作者简介那是什么?能吃吗?————【隔壁同步更新文】快穿之做攻略真难(咸蛋,主受,甜文,可搜索可专栏进入)【预收文】综刀剑今天也在被爱着呢(主攻,同人,作者专栏进入)【预收文】快穿极端恩宠(重生的男主每天都在担心自己被抛弃嘻嘻嘻)【完结文】快穿之催眠那只妖(咸蛋,主受,完结,可搜索可专栏进入)《(系统)当幸运值为max时》是空城黎明精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新(系统)当幸运值为max时最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的(系统)当幸运值为max时评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持(系统)当幸运值为max时读者的观点。关键词:(系统)当幸运值为max时最新章节空城黎明(系统)当幸运值为max时无弹窗(系统)当幸运值为max时全文阅读1w0-71273 >>


内容简介:万仙求道,万道来朝! 三百年前,陈少君被师父带上仙门,因为血脉原因难以练武,但却在炼器上天赋异禀,成为一代器君,与宗门六位师兄合称“北斗七圣”。 一场剧变,师父被害,北斗陨落,陈少君谪 落人间,转生成为大商户部侍郎之子。 光阴荏苒,如今的他只是人间蝼蚁般凡人。 然而,这场剧变也同样打开了他身上的限制。 师父:“如果不是血脉的限制,你的成就就连师父也难以想像!” 书生宣讲,鬼神听道! 且看昔日器君如何一步步崛起,临天路,朝仙道,让诸天万界都为之颤抖! —— 欢迎大家关注我的微信公众号,关注请搜索皇甫奇。 QQ群:4229052161w0-2502 >>




内容简介:  一个半神之人,行走在繁华世间。闲极无聊,上上学,做点小生意,写写歌,作作诗,扶老太太过过马路……1w0-1596


内容简介:一场流星雨,少年聂辰获得神秘戒指。六年苦修,聂辰飞刀入门,开启纵横都市笑傲苍穹的强者之路!神秘戒指从何而来,鸿蒙大世界发生了什么,美人之恩如何消受,书中一一道来。新站,老作者,六本老书 全部完本,超过两千六百万字,大家可以放心阅读!群号:186761134大家可以加群交流闲扯哦微信号:zltyff加的朋友注明是读者。js3301w59002-61014 >>


内容简介:为躲避主神追杀,月夏进入三千位面收集能量。作为位面恶毒女配,她的任务是攻略位面男主。怎料半路杀出变态反派,不是囚禁就是要将她剥皮抽筋。撩男人她在行,跟反派求饶是万万不可能的。【宿主,这 边建议你从了呢。】系统GG提议。月夏:???1w39437-64697 >>


内容简介:  天武大陆,强者为尊!少年楚轩携逆天奇书而来,化身一名废材少宗主,由此开始,造就一代妖孽传奇!以诸天强者鲜血铺就道路,以万界群雄尸骸铸造阶梯,由最卑微开始,一步步登临那至尊巅峰,轰开 神门,睥睨天下,所向无敌!1w0-2506 >>


内容简介:刘宇被两个傻女人因殉情而弄得穿回到了三国时代,并意外得到一种功夫,名叫冰心诀的竟然是天下第一Y功,这很好,有很多的美人儿等着他去祸害了。在现代,许多事是敢想不能做滴,做了那就要等枪毙滴 。可是在这个三国战乱时代,刘宇就可以为所欲为,只要实力够强!拳头够硬!就可以横着来霸……美女!PS新狼群:769558771w0-82376 >>






内容简介:2021年放寒假那天,主角贺云刚从北京大学放假回家赶往高铁站路上,路过家乐福超市买了一大包好吃的,因为家里还有个10岁妹妹,这一大包零食就是给他妹妹带的,当然也准备坐高铁路上吃,他家住 在南京市里,坐高铁回家还是蛮快的,他这一大堆零食全都装在他的行李箱里,满满一箱,基本上都是零食,其他的就是给他爷爷和他爸用自己打工钱买了机械手表,以及给他妈妈买的女士机械手表。还贴心的给他爷爷又配了一台复古的收音1w0-48097 >>


Growing up in the late 16th century Shinmen Takez, Sengoku era Japan? Is shunned by the neighborhood villagers as a devil kid because of his violent and wild character. Running far from house having a fellow lad at age 17, Takezo joins the Toyotomi military and the Tokugawa clan to battle in the Battle of Sekigahara. On the other hand, the Tokugawa win a smashing success, resulting in almost three hundred years of Shogunate rule. His buddy and Takezo find a way to survive the conflict and later vow to do amazing things with their lives. Yet, after their paths different, Takezo should change his title and his character so that you can escape an ignoble death and becomes a wanted criminal. Vagabond is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Takehiko Inoue. It describes a fictionalized accounts of the life span of Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, centered on the novel Musashi of Eiji Yoshikawa. Note: Won the Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga and the 24th Kodansha Manga Award in the general category in 2000. Won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2002 and was nomination for the 2003 Eisner Award in the Best Writer/Artist category.  

Midori No Me

From Aerandria Scans: In a world where people with green eyes are despised and named as bringer of plagues and destruction, Sue seeks a cure for her ailing friend. A holy nun comes into town one day to cure the sick and drive out the plagues. Due to desperation and lack of money, Sue decides to kidnap the nun to plead with her to heal her friend. What she didn’t bargain for what suddenly facing a green-eyed devil!

Anta Nanka Daikirai

From StarryHeaven: Contains four stories. • I Can't Stand You “Although Rena-chan likes Miyake, she doesn’t do anything about it”—because Mariko has turned her woman’s charm to full throttle! However, in no time at all, she found out about her rival in love, Rena! • Caught on You Relationships haven’t gone too well for Maho throughout her life. Why is that? It all started with her first love, Shiki. What happened between these two? Will Maho be able to get over the past and find a new love? Or will one of the past be able to bloom once again? • Something's Wrong Misono isn’t a very feminine girl, and she’s been very close to her neighbor Yuuta since they were little. When feelings towards him begin to awaken, will she be able to catch his eye by dressing femininely, especially when his attention seems to have been stolen by the pretty and stylish Sugisaki? • See You Tomorrow Akemi’s in high school, and she doesn’t really care about grades. Or rather, she didn’t care until she got a new tutor–the college student Tanami-sensei. She thinks he’s a really cutie, so she’s going to do her best for him! Will her feelings be able to reach him? What will become of a forbidden love between tutor and student?


This is the story of a very smart student called Hirama Ren who is used to always getting the top results in his school, and is the chairman of the student's council. One day, he walks past a group of bullies and asks them to leave--and because of that, they decide to teach him a lesson. They decide to beat up a couple of guys and they reported it to the teachers, blaming him. Hirama on being blamed sees the weakness of humans and so he decides to attain the power that would allow him to change the world into an ideal world...one without such weak and pathetic people...the people who hide from responsibilities and blame others. Coincidentally, his vice-chairperson called him and asked if he was fine with her inviting a hypnotist for some event at school to hype up the school population. He thought it might be THE ability that he was looking for, so he agreed to it. During the 'trial' test of the hypnotist's ability, he set up some plan and later on used it to test if hypnosis was able to hypnotise people who were avoiding it. With his new found knowledge, how will Hirama use this new power to reshape the world? - Taken and Edited from Endless Abyss.


Manowa summary: When she came to, she was in another world. A world just like the stage of a popular game, the girl “Kazane” collects and fights with monster skills in a Hyper Learning Story.
Before she realizes it, she’s saved a town, exposed a scandal, met a ghost, saved a princess, went into a hot spring, and spent her time going to the hot spring daily with her party. In the fight against the approaching devil, Kazane confronts her own dark side during her destined reunion with the Big Cat. Did I mention she also spends time at a hot spring?

The Siege of the Seven Suitors

The Siege of the Seven Suitors summary: The Siege of the Seven Suitors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Siege of the Seven Suitors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Age of Innocence

The Age of Innocence summary: The Age of Innocence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Age of Innocence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

John Leech, His Life and Work

John Leech, His Life and Work summary: John Leech, His Life and Work summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Leech, His Life and Work. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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