
































内容简介:广宗城里的一个小子,家中无权无势,卖了唯一的房产凑了点钱准备去衙门谋个差事,可钱也使了,职位却被他人占了,拼爹,没有;拼钱,没有;拼人,也就自己。无奈之下,他只好在大户人家打着短工供养 家中老母。有一次回家途中,偶遇一少女买东西没给钱,被老板抓着要送官,鬼使神差之下,他居然用身上那为数不多的钱替少女付了账。本以为少女只是自己的人生过客,没成想,他却稀里糊涂的成了张角的女婿。1w0-84498 >>


内容简介:  黎家团宠的小千金黎俏,被退婚了。黎家人揭竿而起,全城讨伐,誓要对方好看。*后来,黎俏偶遇退婚男的大哥。有人说:他是南洋最神秘的男人,姓商,名郁,字少衍;也有人说:他傲睨万物,且偏执 成性,是南洋地下霸主,不可招惹。绵绵细雨中,黎俏望着杀伐野性的男人,浅浅一笑:“你好,我是黎俏。”做不成夫妻,那就做你长嫂。*几个月后,街头相遇,退婚男对黎俏冷嘲热讽:“你跟踪我?对我还没死心?”身后一道凌厉的口吻夹着冽风传来,“对你大嫂客气点!”自此,南洋这座城,风风雨雨中只剩最后一则传言——偏执成性的南洋霸主,有一个心尖小祖宗,她姓黎,名俏,字祖宗!1w0-1884 >>




内容简介:“咳,这位女同学,你是不是夹带东西了,来,跟我进保安室检查一下……”“什么,你们宿舍有鬼?大晚上的,去你们宿舍不太好吧……”“尘哥,能坐一下你的宝马不?哦不,我不是想搭讪,我今天来例假 了,不舒服……”这是一个有关:清纯美校花,俏丽女校花,暴力女保安,冷艳女警花,性感女老师,高贵女总裁,绝美女杀手的动人故事。身中“七星天情锁”的叶尘体质十分虚弱,提前离开嗜小队回到中海市,因为偷看了一番女老师夏雪换衣服,无意中住进了美人公寓。由于夏雪的介绍,他来到了名满华国的女子贵族学校,当起了一位纯情的保安……“我发誓,要不是七星天情锁发作,压制不住了,我绝对不会掀校花警花女老师的裙子……”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级女校保安》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83317 >>


内容简介:霸总他原来是绿茶女A男O是由寻丹灯所写的玄幻奇幻类小说,本站提供霸总他原来是绿茶女A男O最新章节阅读霸总他原来是绿茶女A男O全文阅读霸总他原来是绿茶女A男O免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发 现霸总他原来是绿茶女A男O更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-85622 >>


内容简介:如果每一场偶然都不是偶然,那究竟是天意的必然,还是人为的必然。还是因为一株枇杷树,一颗酸涩待熟的果子,或是一本看起来像是民国小说,但却是一个未知国家的一卷传记?“小说”里那些看起来漏洞 百出的“神攻略”,竟然在一试之下都是真的!可是,为什么要尝试呢?如果大家都忍住“好奇心”的话,那后来的事,是不是就不会发生了……1w0-99892 >>


内容简介:上辈子她是臭名远扬的影后蒋一贝,上辈子她是众人唾弃的上将夫人,上辈子她丈夫死了,孩子没了,上天给了她一次重生的机会,这辈子,她绝对要把所有失去的给夺回来,第一个任务就是,去找她正在读高 中的老公,然后睡了他。“沈唯安,你会踩着七彩祥云来娶我吗?”“不会。”“为什么,你是不是根本就没想过要娶我。”“宝贝儿,我不会踩着七彩祥1w0-33309 >>


内容简介:全文已完结(糖果同系列甜宠文《帝国君少又黑化了》)未婚夫另娶第一名媛,云氏被害破产,她更是被媒体逼入绝境。绝望中她找上了谢少,更是传说北谢南王的传承千年豪门谢家,掌控整个A国的所有命脉 。“谢黎墨,我嫁给你,你敢娶我吗?”半晌后,在她的勇气和热情一点点快退却时,他露出潋滟醉人的眸光“我们现在去民政局领证,相信我,未来的谢夫人,你家谢少不会让你有机会后悔的。”1w27127-96233 >>




内容简介:众人只知道阮家优秀出色,冷艳傲气的大女儿,却极少有人听说,阮家从小被寄养在小镇上,性格温软的小女儿阮绵。阮绵20岁时,刚和她领了证的沈衡面容冷漠地说:“两年后离婚。”阮绵身体微颤,低着 头呐呐道:“哦。”京市圈子里人人皆知,沈衡不仅脾气暴躁,还极度厌恶女人。不过,听闻他两年前娶妻了,捧在手心百般宠爱。只有两人心知肚明,他们是协议婚姻,各取所需,互不干扰对方的生活。期限到时,各位书友要是觉得《沈先生,离婚请签字》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73533 >>




内容简介:  简介巴蜀自古便是锁龙之地,皆因巴蜀生活太过安逸,容易消磨意志,所以才有“少不入川”之说。一位平凡的青城少年不愿坐井观天,心怀壮志,却被同门视为另类,饱受排挤。这位少年勇敢走出大山, 屡获机缘,收获了友谊和爱情,也遭遇了离别和背叛;见识了开元盛世的壮丽恢宏,也尝尽了背井离乡的人情冷暖。权斗的黑暗,人性的诡谲,战争的残酷,一场安史之乱,让大唐急转直下,改变了无数人生命的轨迹。 最繁华也是最悲凉,就是这个时代的命运。在这一个英雄辈出,虎狼当道,波澜壮阔的年代,少年该何去何从……1w0-2922 >>

Gareki No Rakuen

From Boys On Boys Love: A skilled investigator operating outside the law infiltrates a prison island where he meets a smart and cheeky boy who seems to have an air of danger about him. Ten years have passed since that day. Now the boy who was given the name Yuuto works along Shigure, who rescued and raised him. All along, Yuuto harbored secret feelings for Shigure, and the deep love that he couldn’t express only made him more dangerous. Soon he started to think that he wanted to die for Shigure. Then he seemed to get the chance when a wild shoot-out broke out on the streets...

Monster Hunter Orage

The story takes place in a fictional world full of monsters and adventurers called Monster Hunters, who, as their name implies, hunts these monsters. The plot revolves around a young Monster Hunter, Shiki, whom was taken in as an apprentice to a Monster Hunter named Gurelli as a child. A few years after Gurelli's death, which was due to a gunpowder incident, he comes back to his master's residence, Akamaaya Town, to join the guild there. In that guild, he meets a girl called Irie and after a series of events, he finds that she is the daughter of his master. From this point onwards, they form a party to find the legendary Miogaruna, which was Gurelli's life-long ambition.


There are several stories in Dakishimetakunai: 1) Electricity (Denki) - A high school student despairs of ever making friends on account of his appearance scaring everyone off. However, the new transfer student with the unique and 'electrifying' physique shows up in time to prove him wrong. 2) I Don't Wanna Hold On You (Dakishimetakunai) - When middle-aged salaryman Masato is laid off, Tatsuya, a host hires him to take care of his apartment… and other, more personal services. But when Masato starts to have doubts about accepting Tatsuya's money, what will Tatsuya do to stop him from leaving? 3) Reason For Desire (Yokubou no Riyuu) - The rich and lonely young businessman gets into a scuffle with a castoff vagrant. He gets a bit more than he bargains for when he takes the man in as live-in housekeeper. 4) Secret Knife (Himitsu no Naifu) - Two solitary people walking similar paths, one an assassin for the yakuza, the other a Shinigami (a Grim Reaper), meet and find their way to mutual love and understanding. 5) Rose and Knife (Bara to Naifu) - Sequel to Secret Knife. Yato comes upon an old partner who is bent on 'reteaching' him how to be a ruthless killer once again. Kamui, however, will do anything to keep that from happening. 6) Keep Up Your Right! (Migikawa ni wo ki wo tsukero) - I Don't Wanna Hold On You omake Keep Up Your Right! omake


Sold by his parents to a brothel, Yuki is placed under the care of the mysterious Shirogane. Shirogane, who is known for his skill at training young boys to satisfy customers with their bodies, pleasures Yuki every night and introduces him to the debaucherous world of carnal pleasure. But on the night Shirogane declares Yuki ready to receive customers, Yuki cries 'I only want Shirogane... please go all the way...!'

CEO Vengeful Wife

CEO Vengeful Wife summary: ...Sneak Peek into a chapter...
'Don't play with fire, President Jing.' His eyes darkened; the temperature in the room dropped drastically.
It was a warning.
However, Jing Lihua cherry red lips merely curled up into a smile.
'What if I want to play with fire, President Li?'
'Woman, do you not see your position? You are pinned down by me. Yet you still dare to act so frivolously? If you do not have any intention to finish things, you better not start them!' Li Zhiqiang's eyes were cold as frozen ice. 'Otherwise, I will make you regret.'
'President Li.' Jing Lihua's sweet voice again a.s.saulted his ears. 'What if I want you to make me regret?'
The second those words left her lips, she was kissed furiously.
...End of Sneak Peek...
Flesh made of translucent ice, bones made of precious gems...
Jing Lihua, the eldest miss of the aristocratic Jing family, was a cla.s.sic beauty with a tragic end.
Stabbed in the back by those closest to her, betrayed by those she put her utmost trust, forsaken by those for whom she sacrificed herself; years of harshness taught her a lot.
So when events take a turn and she is allowed to reincarnate seven years back on her marriage night, when everything was still in her hands, when everything had just started to take turns, she is determined to change the course of things...
She is determined to protect those who were true to her and at the same time... ruin those who had the demons in their hearts.
However, things take an interesting turn when she discovers new secrets left uncovered in her previous life.
A formidable man named 'President Li', the young master of the prestigious 'Li' family known as the great 'Devil' in the mortal world appears in her life and sends her plans into chaos...
Author Note: The First 20 chapters are rewritten by me. So they are good to go. After that for the next fort chapter, quality drops a bit. Then it gradually returns to best. Bear with it for a while. I'm in the process of editing.

Capitola's Peril

Capitola's Peril summary: Capitola's Peril summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Capitola's Peril. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Campfire Girl's Test of Friendship

A Campfire Girl's Test of Friendship summary: A Campfire Girl's Test of Friendship summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Campfire Girl's Test of Friendship. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wee Wifie

Wee Wifie summary: Wee Wifie summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wee Wifie. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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